17.09.2013 Perm Engine Company: yearly plan within çà 8 months

Labor-saving work results within 8 months have been summarized in Perm Engine Company. Economic impact of labor-saving improvement suggestions implemented at the factory equaled 90,5 mln rubles, whereas for the whole 2013 90 mln rubles were specified in the schedule.

The best innovators were A.A. Udaltsov, Leading Engineer of Customer Support Department - economic impact of his suggestions equaled 20,0 mln rubles, V.V. Filippov, Leading Specialist of Series Design-engineering Department - 15,0 mln rubles, A.N. Veretennikov, Head of Emerging Technology Section - 9,0 mln rubles, A. Yu. Navarnov, Head of Section of Customer Support Department - 4,9 mln rubles, I.V. Poletaev, Leading Specialist of Purchase Department - 3,3 mln rubles, V.I. Ozhgibesov, Fitter of Test-Process Shop - 0,939 mln rubles. Total cost effectiveness of using their suggestions exceeded 53 mln rubles.

The suggestions of Customer Support Department specialists, A.A. Udaltsov and A. Yu. Navarnov let to extend lifetime of assemblies and units of aircraft engines in operation without the engines return for overhaul to the factory and therefore to reduce the company expenses considerably.   Also airlines which operate these engines on their aircrafts get real benefit by means of aircrafts downtime reduction.   

One of labor-saving improvement suggestions of Viktor Filippov is aimed at applying cheaper materials of gas-turbine units housings, i.e. GTU-10P, GTU-12P and GTU-16P.

Within 8 months of the current year the company employees totally set 238 labor-saving improvement suggestions, 364 suggestions of those set before have been implemented. To compare - within the whole 2012 141 suggestion was set, 63 were implemented, economic impact of the implementation equaled 95,7 mln rubles.

"Perm Engine Company" OJSC is a serial manufacturer of gas-turbine engines for aviation, gas turbine units for power generation and gas transport.

"PMZ" OJSC is included into OJSC "United Engine Building Corporation"- 100% specialized subsidiary of OJSC "UIC "OBORONPROM" for engine building companies assets management. 

"UIC "OBORONPROM" OJSC is a multi-profile machine-building group founded in 2002. It is included into the State Company "Russian Technologies". The primary businesses: helicopter building (OJSC "Russian Helicopters"), engine building (OJSC MC "UEC").

State Corporation "Rostechnologii" (Rostech) is a Russian corporation founded in 2007 with the purpose promotion of the development, manufacture and exportation of high-technology civil and military-oriented products. It includes 663 organizations which up to now have been reformed into 8 holding companies in military-industrial complex 5 organizations in civil industries. Rostech organizations are situated on the territories of 60 Russian Federation entities and deliver products to the markets of over 70 countries. Rostech income in 2012 was 931 bln rubles, and net profit was 38,5 bln rubles. Tax deductions to the budgets of all levels exceeded 109 bln rubles.

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