14.02.2014 Perm Engine Company: Year's Results Are Impressive

Perm Engine Company has summed up manufacturing and financial results of the year 2013. 11 ÏÑ-90À engines, 44 industrial plants on the basis of ÏÑ-90À and 9 plants of low capacity on the basis of Ä-30 engine were manufactured in the period under report. Moreover, 39 ÏÑ-90À engines and 44 gas turbine power plants of high capacity (on the basis of ÏÑ-90À) were repaired, as well as 43 Ä-30 aircraft engines and 8 small gas turbine power plants created on the basis of Ä-30. Manufacturing program of 2013 is fulfilled 102.2%, while growth of operating performances amounted to 11.2% reaching the level of 2012. As it concerns sales plan of 2013, it is fulfilled 104.7%, and sales volume of products increased by 24.9% in relation to the year 2012.

According to preliminary data, net profit of the company will exceed 270 million rubles. Anticipated sales result of 2013 is 16.8 billion rubles.

Experts say that it is the new management team that made breakthrough in Perm Engine Company development possible. Strategic decisions of top management of United Engine Corporation concerning personnel appointments (made at the beginning of 2013) allowed to define plant's prospects clearly. Perm Engine Company managed to get to the new level of development owing to effective arrangement of work introduced by the company's top management and contribution of every employee to the common cause. As a whole, the company got over stagnation of production which lasted since 2010.

Signing of a huge contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can be considered as a milestone event of the preceding year. The contract specifies manufacturing of ÏÑ-90À engines for Èë-76ÌÄ-90À aircraft till the year 2020 (the first batch was produced and dispatched to the Customer in autumn 2013). Another important event for the company was making of long-term strategic agreement with OJSC "VTB Bank".

While making an undoubted leap forward in aviation, the plant maintains leading positions on domestic market of industrial gas turbine power plants. Therefore, the company proves out quality and reliability of its products.

In the year of the company's 80th anniversary some serious tasks should carried out, specifically: Increase of production volume for more than 10% in comparison to the level of 2013; development and fulfillment of procedures for improvement of reliability in engine operation; arrangement of batch production of a new promising ÏÄ-14 engine (for this project Perm Engine Company is going to purchase a whole machine complex under bonded debt; also, test bench is being updated). Besides, Perm Engine Company is going to continue working on organization of new production facilities.

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