21.11.2013 Head of Sverdlovsky Region Meets Engine Manufacturers

During meeting with engine manufacturers Ivan Voronov said that after graduating from Aviation Technical School he had started working on the plant: He used to be Chief Foreman in Machine Assembly Shop Floor No. 35, Deputy of Shop Floor Manager, Head of Quality Control Bureau: "I know what the plant is like; I am grateful to the plant for bringing me up. Things I was given here have become the basis for my whole future life".

Head of the Region answered a number of questions from the audience concerning condition of roads, housing and public utilities, improvement of parks and public gardens, vacant places for children in kindergartens and unauthorized trading. Improvement of surrounding area of the plant became a separate topic of discussion. The most pressing issues for plant workers are absence of organized parking lots and unsatisfactory condition of roads. Council of Plant Veterans brought up a question concerning building of additional sections to the Memorial located opposite to Soldatov Culture Centre (it has engravings of 330 last names of engine manufacturers who were killed during World War II; not enough space for another 570 last names). Ivan Voronov promised to control this issue personally.

Managing Director of OJSC "Perm Engine Company" Sergey Popov and Head of Sverdlovsky Region Ivan Voronov made preliminary agreement on performance of mutual actions towards improvement of surrounding area of the plant. For instance, plant management is planning to improve public garden of engine manufacturers, create parking lots and perform repaving as a part of jubilee arrangements dedicated to 80th Anniversary of Perm engine manufacturing enterprises.

At the end of the meeting Sergey Popov wished best of luck to the fellow manager: "The most important thing is to make a strong-willed decision and stick to it till the end. In this case, everything will be alright for sure!"

OJSC "Perm Engine Company" is a batch manufacturer of aircraft engines for commercial and military aviation, industrial gas turbine power plants for electric power stations and gas transportation.

OJSC "Perm Engine Company" is a part of OJSC "United Engine Corporation", which is a 100 % specialist subsidiary company of OJSC "United Industrial Corporation "OBORONPROM" engaged in management of engine manufacturing assets.

OJSC "United Industrial Corporation "OBORONPROM" is a multibusiness engineering group established in 2002. "United Industrial Corporation "OBORONPROM" is a part of "Rostec" State Corporation. Main company profiles are helicopter engineering (OJSC "Russian Helicopters") and engine building (OJSC "United Engine Corporation").   

"Rostec" State Corporation is a Russian corporation established in 2007 for the purpose of promoting development, manufacture and export of high-qualitative commercial- and military-oriented industrial products. "Rostec" State Corporation consists of 663 organizations which in the meantime form 8 holding companies in defense industry complex and 5 holding companies in commercial branches of industry. "Rostec" organizations are situated in 60 constituent entities of Russian Federation. They sell products to more than 70 countries. "Rostec" profit in 2012 was equal to 931 billion RUB, while net profit was 38.5 billion RUB. Tax deduction to various level budgets was more than 109 billion RUB.

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