Dcpartmcnt oflndustry EnèfgyEfficiency


PUBLIC REPORT TEMPLATE 2013 Part 1 - Corporation details

Controlling corporation

lnsert the name of the controlling corporation exactly as i!is registered with the EEO Program.

l Penrice SodaRoldings Limited ·· l

Table 1.1 - Major changes to corporate group structure or operations

Penrice Soda Holdings Limited (Penrice) closed Osborne Adelaide soda ash planias scheduled on 30 1
June 2013 and switched from
manufacturing soda ash to importing and distributing soda ash through the joint venture company, Pro Asia Pacific Pty Ltd with the world's largest independent soda ash distributor, Soda Ash Holding BV, sourcing soda ash from American Natural Soda Ash Corporation (ANSAC), the world's largest soda ash exporter.
The soda ash plant is being decommissioned. Penrice's sodium bicarbonate plant was modified to accept imported soda ash; a new lime plant is fully operational. Penrice continues to operate its lime plant since the lime manufacturing produces carbon dioxide which is required in its sodium bicarbonate plant.

.!. 2

. Austrnlian Go'ernmcnt

Oeparcmcnt of lndu stry

Energy Efficiency



The information included in this report has been reviewed and noted by the board of directors and is to the best of my knowledge, correct and in accordance with the

Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act 2006 and Energy Efficiency Opportunities

Regulations 2006. l Name: Mr Guy Roberts

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Australian Govcrnmcnt

' Department or lndustry



Part 2 - Assessment outcomes

Table 2.1- Assessment details

lt is compulsory to complete a separate table for each entity* that has been assessed

l Na;;f ntity l Osb rne Facility ]

Total energy use in the last financial year



Total percentage of energy use assessed when assessments were undertaken


Description of the way in which the entity carried out its assessment:
In the Table 1.1, Penrice Soda Holdings stated major plant changes to be carried out in 2013. There were 16 projects listed in the Part 3

'Transition to the second cycle' business response as at 301
June 2012 to be evaluated or reported in the second cycle. These 16
projects were related to the old plant structure. Penrice will identify energy savings opportunities by engaging with second cycle and those identified energy savings opportunities will be listed in the 2014 public report.

"Entity is group member, business unit, or key activity. Please note that, for individuai sites that use more than 0.5 PJ of energy, ali energy use must be assessed (lessa small proportion for non-integrai energy use).

. 4

. Australian Govcrnment

Enetgy EffiCiellcy

Dcpartmcnt of lndustry


Table 2.2- Energy efficiency opportunities identified in the assessment

1t is compulsory lo complete a separate table far each entity that has been assessed

_Status of _opportunities:identified to an accuracy

9fbetter-than or-equa! to ±30%


number of

opportunities No. of

GJ No. of

GJ No. of l GJ

. opps opps opps

Business lmplemented response lmplementation


To be implemented

Under investigation

Not to be l 16 l 4 l 5600 l 1 l 62900 l 11 l 45200 l 113700


Outcomes of Total identified assessment

Please note that corporale groups are no!reguired to report opportunities with a payback greater than four years. Reporting this data is voluntary.


Austrnlian Go'crnmcnt

Dcpartmcnt of lndustry EnèigYEfficiimcy


Table 2.3- Details of significant opportunities identified in the assessment

Corporale groups are required to provide at least three examples of significant opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of the group lhalhave been idenlified in assessments.

Description of opportunity No. 1 . .


Descriptionofopportunity No. 3 .

Voluntary lnformation . .

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


Equipment type

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


Business response

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


Energy saved (GJ)

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


Greenhouse gas abaled (C02-e)

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


$ saved

Recover spillage lo incline bel!

Opportunily No. 3 will not be implemented due to the new planislruclure


Payback period


Please note that the Description of the opportunity above should indude information on the specific nature and type of opportunity as well as information on the type of equipment and/or process involved.


A."ustralian Govcrnment

Oepartmcnt of lndustry Energy Efficiency


Part 3 - Transition to second cycle

This part should only be completed by 2006-07 trigger year corporations transitioning to the second cycle.

In December 2011, many corporations reported energy efficiency opportunities that were stili under investigation as at 30 June 2011. This report should advise what your business response to these opportunities has been - implemented or not to be implemented. lf you intend to further investigate these opportunities, they should be reported in the future public reports as opportunities identified in the second cycle.

Status of opportunities identified to an accuracy of better than or equal to ±30%

Total number of

Estimated energy savings per annum by payback period (GJ)

Totalestlmated energy savings per annum (GJ)

As reported in l Under investigation

December 2011


No. of


No. of

GJ opps

No. of

GJ opps GJ

Business response as llmplemented l l l l l l l l l at 30 June 2012

Not to be implemented

To be evaluated/reported in the second cycle

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