Peako Limited announced that Mr. Geoff Albers has advised that he intends to retire as a director of the Company on completion of the Rights Issue. It is proposed that Mr. Gernot Abl will be appointed as Non-Executive Chairman of the Board. Mr. Abl has a background in law, corporate finance, and strategic consulting and has more than 20 years of entrepreneurial, business strategy, and investment experience.

Mr. Abl has worked with many early-stage businesses, across industries, to help commercialise, grow, and increase the value of the business for all stakeholders. Mr. Abl is currently a Director of Lithium Universe Limited and DorsaVi. It is also proposed that Dr. Louis Bucci will be appointed as Non-Executive Director upon completion of the Rights Issue.

Dr. Bucci is an economic geologist with over 20 years' experience in the mineral resources sector in a wide range of technical, consultant and senior management roles including Board level positions. His experience spans the management of early stage exploration projects through to mineral resource development, feasibility studies and operations. Dr. Bucci holds a PhD in Economic Geology from the University of Western Australia focused on gold and related polymetallic mineral systems and is a former Director of SRK Australasia.

He has worked for a broad range of businesses, including global mining and exploration companies, related financial institutions and government agencies, across multiple commodities in Australia, China & SE Asia, Africa, former Soviet countries, India, the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific Islands.