The board of directors of Feishang Non-metal Materials Technology Limited announced that Mr. SU Chun Xiang has been appointed as an executive Director of the company with effect from January 9, 2018. Mr. Su is currently the chairman of the board of an assets management company located in Beijing, the PRC, responsible for the overall investment management thereof. The board hereby announced that Ms. YIN Yi and Ms. CHAN Shuk Kwan Winnie has resigned as the Independent Non-executive Directors of the company to pursue other business opportunities with effect from 9 January 2018. Ms. Yin also ceased to be the chairman of nomination committee and the member of each of the audit committee and remuneration committee of the company. Ms. Chan also ceased to be the chairman of remuneration committee and the member of each of the audit committee and nomination committee of the company. The board announced that Mr. KO Yat Fei, Mr. CHOW Chi Hang Tony and Ms. SHAO Yu have been appointed as the Independent Non-executive Directors of the company with effect from January 9, 2018. Currently, Mr. Ko is a Practicing Director of a local Certified Public Accountants firm. Mr. Chow is currently a practicing Barrister-At-Law in Hong Kong practicing in both civil and criminal litigation. From May 2013 to June 2015, Ms. Shao has served as the general manager of the sales department of Beijing Hong Shi Real Estate Company Limited.