Orbbec announced its Gemini 330 series Stereo Vision 3D cameras are now integrated with NVIDIA Isaac Perceptor, a reference workflow for autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) built on GPU-accelerated Isaac ROS. These cameras enhance depth quality and provide longer-range sensing in varied lighting conditions, which lets Isaac Perceptor - whose general availability was announced by NVIDIA at COMPUTEX - output 3D construction and obstacle cost maps of any unstructured environment. The Gemini 335/335L/336L cameras operate in both passive and active laser-illuminated modes to ensure high-quality depth and RGB data output even in challenging lighting conditions.

The depth algorithms are processed in the camera by Orbbec's latest depth engine ASIC and thus eliminates the burden on the NVIDIA Jetson Orin module-based compute for such operations. The cameras include internal IMU and temperature sensors and have a working range of 0.2-10 meters, global shutter image sensors, wide field-of-view lenses, high frame rates, low latency and precise multi-camera synchronization.