ONICO S.A. reported group earnings results for the second quarter and first half of 2018. In the second quarter of 2018, the group recorded consolidated revenue on sale at the level of PLN 789 million. The company achieved higher quarterly revenue only in the third and fourth quarter of 2016, which so far has been a record year for the company. The revenue achieved in the previous quarter was PLN 100 million (or 14%) higher than in the corresponding period of 2017 (PLN 689 million). In that period, the revenue on operating activity increased nearly twelvefold, from PLN 1.2 million to PLN 14.1 million, while the net profit was PLN 1.6 million, in difficult market circumstances and under a strong pressure from the large domestic and foreign entities. One of the causes of that situation is a significant increase in financial costs.

In the entire first half of 2018, the group's sales revenue amounted to PLN 1.47 billion and was almost 16% higher than the sales revenue recorded in the previous year of PLN 1.27 billion. The profit on operating activity increased by as much as 218% and reached PLN 18.9 million as compared to PLN 5.9 million in the previous year; the operating profit plus amortisation and depreciation (EBITDA) reached PLN 20.6 million as compared to PLN 5.9 million in the previous year, and the net profit exceeded PLN 4 million.

The Management Board sees an opportunity for sales to develop further in 2018 with the use of the marine terminal in Gdynia.