OnTheMarket plc announced that Tom Carter has agreed to join OnTheMarket as Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Board. Tom is currently serving a six month notice period with his current employer and OnTheMarket will make further announcements regarding his joining date in due course. Tom brings a wealth of finance experience and joins from AIM-listed Brand Architekts Group PLC, an international beauty brand business, where he has been CFO since 2020 and led the recent acquisition of main market listed Innovaderma.

Prior to that, Tom was Group Finance and Operations Director at Technetix Group Ltd, a leading global technology company, and has also held financial roles at Alliance Boots, BSkyB Plc and Procter and Gamble. Tom trained as a Chartered Accountant with PwC. In addition, OnTheMarket has appointed Simon Bullock as Interim CFO with immediate effect to provide the finance function with experienced leadership between Clive Beattie's departure on 27 January 2023 and Tom joining the Board.

Simon has 30 years of finance experience, with more than 20 years at CFO level, including at Caxton FX Limited, AIM-listed Bonhill Group Plc, Merit Group Plc and Aurasian Minerals Plc. Simon will not join the Board of OnTheMarket. Thomas Richard James Carter, aged 41, currently holds directorships and partnerships in the following companies: Innovaderma Limited; Skinnytan UK Limited; The Brand Architekts Limited; Mr. Haircare Limited and Brand Architekts Group Plc.