Grupo W.M.Dib agreed to acquire 26.18% stake in Nutriplant Indústria e Comércio S.A. (BOVESPA:NUTR3) from Tripto Participacoes Ltda for BRL 10 million in cash on April 17, 2015. Grupo W.M.Dib will buy 3.64 million Nutriplant shares at BRL 2.75 per share. In a related transaction, Nutriplant Industria signed a memorandum of understanding with Herbioeste Herbicidas Ltda and Herbioeste's parent company, Grupo W.M.Dib. Agreement comprehends private issue of Nutriplant's convertible debentures at the value of BRL 5 million to be entirely subscribed by Herbioeste. Further agreement also comprehends the incorporation of Herbioeste's shares by Nutriplant Industri and incorporation of 34.89 million newly issued Nutriplant Industri's shares by Grupo W.M.Dib.

Grupo W.M.Dib cancelled the acquisition of 26.18% stake in Nutriplant Indústria e Comércio S.A. (BOVESPA:NUTR3) from Tripto Participacoes Ltda on April 17, 2016.