Note: This notice in English is for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.

Securities code: 5991 Date of sending by postal mail: June 6, 2024 Start date of measures for electronic provision: June 4, 2024

To Our Shareholders,

Kazuhisa Uemura,

Representative Member of the Board President & COO


3-10, Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama

Notice of the 104th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

NHK SPRING CO., LTD. (the "Company") hereby provides notice of the 104th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held as follows:

When convening the General Meeting of Shareholders, we have adopted measures for providing information in electronic format, which is posted on the following website on the Internet. Please access one of the websites for confirmation.

The Company's website: (in Japanese)

(Please access the Company's website above, select "Investors" and "General Meeting of Shareholders" from the menu, in that order, and confirm.)

TSE website (Listed Company Search): (in Japanese)

(Access the TSE website by using the internet address shown above, enter "NHK Spring" in "Issue name (company name)" or the Company's securities code "5991" in "Code," and click "Search." Then, click "Basic information" and select "Documents for public inspection/PR information." Under "Filed information available for public inspection," click "Click here for access" under "[Notice of General Shareholders Meeting/Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting].")

  1. Date and Time: Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (Reception starts at 9:00 a.m.) (JST)
  2. Venue: NHK SPRING CO., LTD. Head Office

3-10, Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama

3. Purpose of the Meeting: Matters to be reported:

  1. The Fiscal Year 2023 Business Report, the Consolidated Financial Statements, and audit results of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Financial Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board for the 104th term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
  2. The Fiscal Year 2023 Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the 104th term (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

- 1 -

Matters to be resolved:

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal 2: Election of Nine (9) Members of the Board

Proposal 3: Election of Three (3) Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Proposal 4: Election of One (1) Substitute Audit & Supervisory Board Member (External)

Proposal 5: Revision of the Amount of Remuneration for Members of the Board

Proposal 6: Revision of the Amount of Remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Proposal 7: Approval of Remuneration Amount for Restricted Stock-based Remuneration System

4. Matters determined relating to convocation

  1. When voting rights are exercised in writing, if there is no indication of approval or disapproval of the proposal in the voting right exercise form, it will be treated as if there was an indication of approval of the company proposals and disapproval of the shareholder proposal.
  2. If voting rights are exercised multiple times via the Internet, the last exercise of voting rights will be treated as valid.
  3. If voting rights are duplicately exercised via the Internet and in writing (by mail), the exercise of voting rights via the Internet will be treated as valid regardless of the date and time of arrival.

- 2 -

Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

The Company recognizes return of profits to our shareholders as the top priority and our basic policy is to continue to distribute dividends stably.

In light of this and as a result of comprehensive consideration given to such matters as consolidated business performance and dividend payout ratio, the Company proposes that the year-end dividend for the term will be 25 yen per share, increasing the payment by 8 yen per share compared with the previous term.

year-end dividend>

  1. Type of dividend property Cash
  2. Assignment of the dividend property to shareholders and the total amount:
    25 yen per share of common stock of the Company Total amount: 5,541,438,550 yen
    As the Company has already paid an interim dividend of 17 yen per share, the annual dividend for the term will be 42 yen per share.
  3. Effective date of dividends of surplus June 26, 2024

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Proposal 2: Election of Nine (9) Members of the Board

The terms of office of all eight (8) Members of the Board will expire at the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholders.

Accordingly, we hereby request the election of nine (9) Members of the Board, increasing the number of Members of the Board (External) by one (1).

The candidates for positions of Members of the Board are as follows:




Position and areas of responsibility in


Number of



at Board of


years in


the Company


outside the





Takashi Kayamoto



Chairman & Representative Member





(68 years old)

of the Board, CEO



Kazuhisa Uemura



Representative Member of the Board





(63 years old)

President & COO



Kiyohiko Kanmei



Representative Member of the Board


Executive Vice President & CQO,




(66 years old)




Hidefumi Yoshimura



Representative Member of the Board


Executive Vice President & CFO




(66 years old)

President of Procurement Division



Shunsuke Sasaki



Member of the Board


Senior Corporate Officer




(59 years old)

President of Sales Division






Keiichiro Sue


Member of the Board (External)




(66 years old)







Katsuko Tanaka


Member of the Board (External)




(78 years old)







Hiromi Tamakoshi


Member of the Board (External)




(61 years old)






Reiko Furukawa




Member of the Board (External)




(65 years old)




  • The position and areas of responsibility in the Company describes the schedule for approval of the election of each candidate.
  • Important concurrent positions are the number of concurrent positions as of the date of notification of convocation of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • The number of years in office is the number of years in office at the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings for Ms. Reiko Furukawa denotes the number of meetings attended as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member (External).


Candidate for reelected Member of the Board

[New election]

Candidate for newly elected Member of the Board


Candidate for Member of the Board (External)


Candidate for Independent Officer

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Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Takashi Kayamoto

Apr. 1979

Joined the Company

Jun. 2010

Corporate Officer


Vice President of Research and Development

(February 5, 1956)

Division and Director of Development

(68 years old)


Apr. 2013

Senior Corporate Officer

President of Suspension Spring Division

Jun. 2015

Member of the Board

Senior Corporate Officer

President of Sales Division


Apr. 2016

Member of the Board


Executive Corporate Officer

President of Sales Division


Apr. 2017

Representative Member of the Board

President & COO

Attendance at Board of

Apr. 2019

Representative Member of the Board

Directors meetings

President & CEO

13/13 meetings

Apr. 2024

Chairman & Representative Member of the

Board, CEO (present)

Reason for election

Dr. Takashi Kayamoto was appointed Representative Member of the Board and President in 2017, and he has

abundant experience and advanced knowledge about the business activities of the Company through his duties

as President and Chairman, and accordingly, we request his reelection as a Member of the Board.

Kazuhisa Uemura

Apr. 1983

Joined the Company

Apr. 2014

Corporate Officer


(July 24, 1960)

Vice President of Sales Division and Director

(63 years old)

of Seating & Component Sales Department

Apr. 2018

Senior Corporate Officer

President of Sales Division

Jun. 2018

Member of the Board

Senior Corporate Officer

President of Sales Division


Apr. 2022

Member of the Board


Executive Corporate Officer

President of Sales Division


Apr. 2023

Member of the Board

Executive Corporate Officer

Attendance at Board of

President of Corporate Planning and Control


Directors meetings

Apr. 2024

Representative Member of the Board

13/13 meetings

President & COO (present)

Reason for election

Mr. Kazuhisa Uemura has many years of experience in Sales Division and deep insight into this field, as well

as a wealth of experience relating to management through his duties as President of Sales Division and

President of Corporate Planning and Control Division, and accordingly, we request his reelection as a Member

of the Board.

- 5 -



Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Apr. 1980

Joined the Company

Jun. 2011

Corporate Officer

Kiyohiko Kanmei

Vice President of Seating Division and

Director of Global Business Promotion



(June 10, 1957)

Apr. 2015

Senior Corporate Officer

(66 years old)

President of Seating Division

Apr. 2018

Executive Corporate Officer

President of Engineering Division

Apr. 2019

Executive Corporate Officer

President of Engineering Division




Jun. 2019

Member of the Board

Executive Corporate Officer

President of Engineering Division



Attendance at Board of

Director of Takano Co., Ltd. (non-executive)

Apr. 2020

Representative Member of the Board

Directors meetings

Executive Vice President & CQO

13/13 meetings

Apr. 2022

Representative Member of the Board

Executive Vice President & CQO, CTO


Reason for election

Mr. Kiyohiko Kanmei has many years of experience in engineering and manufacturing fields and deep insight

into these fields, as well as a wealth of experience relating to management through his duties as President of

Seating Division, President of Engineering Division, and since 2020, Representative Member of the Board and

Executive Vice President, and accordingly, we request his reelection as a Member of the Board.

- 6 -



Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Apr. 1981

Joined the Company

Jun. 2007

Director of Planning and Control

Department, Suspension Spring Division

Apr. 2014

Corporate Officer;

President & CEO and Member of the Board,

NHK of America Suspension Components


President & CEO and Member of the Board,

New Mather Metals, Inc.

Apr. 2015

Corporate Officer

Hidefumi Yoshimura

Director of Human Resources Department,


Corporate Planning and Control Division

(May 4, 1958)

Apr. 2017

Senior Corporate Officer

(66 years old)

Vice President of Corporate Planning and

Control Division and Director of Human

Resources Department

Apr. 2020

Senior Corporate Officer

President of Corporate Planning and Control



Apr. 2021

Executive Corporate Officer

President of Corporate Planning and Control



Jun. 2021

Member of the Board


Executive Corporate Officer

President of Corporate Planning and Control

Attendance at Board of


Directors meetings

Apr. 2022

Member of the Board

13/13 meetings

Executive Corporate Officer

President of Corporate Planning and Control

Division and President of Procurement


Apr. 2023

Representative Member of the Board

Executive Vice President & CFO,

President of Procurement Division (present)

Jun. 2023

Director of Takano Co., Ltd. (non-executive)


[Important concurrent positions outside the Company] Director of Takano Co., Ltd. (non-executive)

Reason for election

Mr. Hidefumi Yoshimura has a wealth of experience in the management through his duties as Director of Planning and Control Department of Suspension Spring Division, President & CEO and Member of the Board of NHK of America Suspension Components Inc., President & CEO and Member of the Board of New Mather Metals, Inc., Director of the Human Resources Department, President of the Corporate Planning and Control Division, and President of the Procurement Division, and accordingly, we request his reelection as a Member of the Board.

- 7 -



Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Shunsuke Sasaki

Apr. 1987

Joined the Company


Apr. 2018

Corporate Officer;

(October 2, 1964)

Representative Member of the Board and

(59 years old)

Executive Vice President of NHK

International Corporation

Apr. 2019

Corporate Officer

Vice President of Suspension Spring Division

and Director of Planning and Control



Apr. 2022

Senior Corporate Officer


Vice President of Suspension Spring Division

and Director of Planning and Control



Apr. 2023

Senior Corporate Officer,

Attendance at Board of

President of Sales Division

Jun. 2023

Member of the Board

Directors meetings

Senior Corporate Officer

10/10 meetings

President of Sales Division (present)

Reason for election

Mr. Shunsuke Sasaki has many years of experience in Sales Division and deep insight into this field, as well as

a wealth of experience relating to management through his duties as Representative Member of the Board and

Executive Vice President of NHK International Corporation, and Director of Planning and Control Department,

Suspension Spring Division, and accordingly, we request his reelection as a Member of the Board.

- 8 -



Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Keiichiro Sue

Apr. 1984

Registered as Attorney at Law (a member of


Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association)

(July 27, 1957)

Joined the Nobuo Takai Law Firm

(66 years old)

Jan. 1989

Joined Matsuo & Kosugi

Oct. 1995

Registered as Attorney at Law in New York

State, USA

Jun. 2009

Partner of Blakemore & Mitsuki (present)

Jun. 2014

External Director of METAWATER Co., Ltd.

Jun. 2014

Corporate Auditor (External) of the Company


Jun. 2015

Member of the Board (External) of the

Company (present)





Attendance at Board of

Directors meetings

13/13 meetings

Reason for election and expected role

Since being appointed as Member of the Board (External) in 2015, Dr. Keiichiro Sue has appropriately fulfilled

the role of overseeing the execution of business, as well as having a wealth of experience as an attorney at law.

He has never in the past been directly involved in the management of a company except as an external officer.

However, we judge that he can be expected to provide objective opinions on the operation of a business

enterprise, and contribute to strengthening the corporate governance of the Company, and accordingly, we

request his reelection as a Member of the Board (External).

Katsuko Tanaka

Apr. 1970

Researcher, hygiene class, Okayama


University Medical School (Worked in the

(September 3, 1945)

local hospital.)

(78 years old)

Jul. 1970

Medical license registration (No. 207731)

May 1976

Worked at Yokohama City Hall

May 1998

Mayor, Sakae Ward, Yokohama City

Apr. 2000

Director General, Social Welfare Bureau,

Yokohama City

Apr. 2004

Director General, Civic Affairs Bureau,


Yokohama City

Apr. 2006

Trustee and Secretary General of Public


University Corporation Yokohama City




Apr. 2013

Chairperson of Yokohama City University


Jun. 2016

Member of the Board (External) of the

Attendance at Board of

Company (present)

Directors meetings

13/13 meetings

Reason for election and expected role

Since being appointed as Member of the Board (External) in 2016, Dr. Katsuko Tanaka has appropriately

fulfilled the role of overseeing the execution of business and she has extensive experience relating to

organizational management of public bodies. She has never in the past been directly involved in the

management of a company except as an external officer. However, we judge that she can be expected to

provide objective opinions on the operation of a business enterprise, and accordingly, we request her reelection

as a Member of the Board (External).

- 9 -



Career summary, position and areas of responsibility in the

Number of


(Date of birth)

Company and important concurrent positions

shares owned

Hiromi Tamakoshi

Oct. 1987

Joined Chuo Audit Corporation


Apr. 1999

Registered as Attorney at Law (Kanagawa

(June 18, 1962)

Bar Association)

(61 years old)

Joined Ryoji Kimura Law Office

Apr. 2017

Auditor of Yokohama City University

Jun. 2020

Member of the Board (External) of the

Company (present)

Apr. 2021

Established Yokohama Nagomi Law Office







Attendance at Board of

Directors meetings

13/13 meetings

Reason for election and expected role

Since being appointed as Member of the Board (External) in 2020, Ms. Hiromi Tamakoshi has appropriately

fulfilled the role of overseeing the execution of business, as well as having a wealth of experience as an

attorney at law. She has never in the past been directly involved in the management of a company except as an

external officer. However, we judge that she can be expected to provide objective opinions on the operation of

a business enterprise, and contribute to strengthening the corporate governance of the Company, and

accordingly, we request her reelection as a Member of the Board (External).

Apr. 1981

Joined Nippon Univac Kaisha, Ltd.

Reiko Furukawa

(currently, BIPROGY Inc.)

Apr. 2005

General Manager of Service Department,


Mechanical Solutions Division, Nihon

(February 12, 1959)

Unisys Excelutions, Ltd. (currently, UEL

(65 years old)


Apr. 2007

General Manager of Industry Development


Apr. 2009

Executive Officer

Apr. 2011

General Manager of Outsourcing Planning

Department, MBK Outsourcing Center,



Apr. 2014

General Manager of Quality Assurance



[New election]

Jul. 2017

Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board


Member of UNIADEX, Ltd


Jun. 2022

Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Attendance at Board of

(External) of the Company (present)

Director (Outsider) of Hanwa Co., Ltd.

Directors meetings


13/13 meetings

[Important concurrent positions outside the Company]

Director (Outsider) of Hanwa Co., Ltd.

Reason for election and expected role

Ms. Reiko Furukawa has extensive experience and deep insight into the management of business enterprises,

and since being appointed as Audit & Supervisory Board Member (External) of the Company in 2022, she has

appropriately performed audits and can be expected to provide objective opinions on the operation of a

business enterprise and advice on overall management of the Company based on her experience, and

accordingly, we request her appointment as a Member of the Board (External).

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