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The board of directors of New World China Land Limited announces that on 7 January 2013 share options carrying the rights to subscribe for a total of 5,446,700 ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each ("Shares") of the Company were offered to be granted under its share option scheme at an exercise price of HK$3.88 per Share.
This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 17.06A of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("Listing Rules").
The board of directors ("Board") of New World China Land Limited ("the Company") hereby announces that on 7 January 2013, share options ("Options") carrying the rights to subscribe for
5,446,700 ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each ("Shares") of the Company were offered to be granted under the share option scheme adopted by the Company on 22 November 2011. The offers will remain open for acceptance by the grantees for a period of 28 days from the date of offer and the Options will be deemed to have been granted when the offers are accepted. Details of the Options offered to be granted are as follows:
Date of offer : 7 January 2013
Exercise price of Options
offered to be granted:
HK$3.88 per Share being subscribed for under the Options
Number of Options offered
to be granted:
5,446,700 Options, each entitles its holder to subscribe for one Share
Closing price of the Shares
on the date of offer:
HK$3.88 per Share
Validity period of the
Options :
The Options are exercisable for a period of five years commencing on the expiry of one month after the date on which the Options are accepted, and expiring on the last day of the five-year period, provided that the maximum number of Options that can be exercised during each anniversary year is one-fifth of the total number of Options granted together with any unexercised Options carried forward from the previous anniversary year(s)
None of the grantees of the Options are the directors, chief executives or substantial shareholders of the
Company, nor an associate (as defined under the Listing Rules) of any of them.
By order of the Board Ngan Man-ying, Lynda Company Secretary
Hong Kong, 7 January 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises (a) seven executive directors, namely, Dr. Cheng Kar-shun, Henry, Mr. Cheng Kar-shing, Peter, Mr. Cheng Chi-kong, Adrian, Ms. Cheng Chi-man, Sonia, Mr. Cheng Chi-him, Conrad, Mr. Fong Shing-kwong, Michael and Ms. Ngan Man-ying, Lynda; (b) one non-executive director, namely, Mr. Doo Wai-hoi, William; and (c) four independent non-executive directors, namely, Dr. Cheng Wai-chee, Christopher, Mr. Tien Pei-chun, James, Mr. Lee Luen-wai, John and Mr. Ip Yuk-keung, Albert.

This announcement is published on the websites of the Company (www.nwcl.com.hk) and The Stock

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (www.hkexnews.hk).


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