The Board of Directors of Net Pacific Financial Holdings Limited announced changes to the Board with effect from 31 July 2020. The Board announced appointment of Tso Sze Wai as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; re-designation of Chung Wai Man as an Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Company; resignation of Wong Chun Hung as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company; and resignation of Cheung King Kwok as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. Following the abovementioned resignations and appointments, the Board and the Board Committees shall be re-constituted as follows: Board of Directors: Mr. Chung Wai Man (Independent Non-Executive Chairman), Mr. Zhou Wen Jie (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr. Ong Chor Wei @ Alan Ong (Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer), Mr. Ben Lee (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr. Chin Fook Lai (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr. Tso Sze Wai (Lead Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr. Francis Lee Fook Wah (Independent Non-Executive Director), Mr. Wu Houguo (Independent Non-Executive Director). Audit Committee /Risk Management Committee: Mr. Tso Sze Wai (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee Fook Wah (Member), Mr. Wu Houguo (Member). Nominating Committee: Mr. Chung Wai Man (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee Fook Wah (Member), Mr. Wu Houguo (Member), Mr. Ben Lee (Member). Remuneration Committee: Mr. Francis Lee Fook Wah (Chairman), Mr. Wu Houguo (Member), Mr. Tso Sze Wai (Member).