Net Element, Inc. announced the launch of Netevia Rewards, its card-linked loyalty rewards program. Netevia Rewards is a card linked loyalty application integrated with the POS terminal at brick and mortar merchants. A customer easily enrolls (linking their card & opting in) and pays with a single credit card swipe during their initial credit card payment with a merchant. All future card payments are seamlessly tracked and rewarded. Simplicity of use for both the customer and the business differentiates Netevia Rewards from other loyalty platforms. In addition, Netevia Reward’s CRM tools can automatically send relevant offers to customers based on their SKU data to increase performance and referrals. Greater conversion combined with data driven messaging should yield higher revenues for merchants. The Netevia Rewards application presents an enrollment opportunity on every initial credit card swipe. Combined with the instant reward, customer conversion rates can be much higher than that of ordinary methods. Its automated CRM Tools categorize customers based on spending performance and behaviors. Based on the actionable data, targeted and relevant offers are sent to customers which are measured for increased spend and redemption rates.