Databento and Napatech announced their collaboration on packet capture infrastructure for real-time financial data. Databento provides institutional-quality market data on a pay-as-you-go basis, and its self-service API and web UI reduce dataset acquisition time from months to minutes. The firm processes billions of market events per day in colocation sites, with direct market access across multiple asset classes.

Databento chose Napatech's SmartNICs for several key benefits – including high-performance data rates, lossless packet capture, and an extensive API. Databento tested competing solutions for its Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) data capture infrastructure before selecting Napatech as its partner. Databento's capture infrastructure is designed to support traffic at up to a line rate of 100 Gbps with zero packet loss.

Unlike alternative solutions, Napatech's SmartNICs met Databento's performance objectives at all required packet sizes and data rates. Databento also found the Napatech API to be easier to use and more flexible, accelerating their time to market.