MW TOPS Limited

Registered in Guernsey No. 45728

Annual Financial Report

For the year ended 30 September 2009


  Background to the Company                 1-4

  Financial Highlights                      5-7

  Chairman's Statement                        8

  Background to the Investment Manager     9-10

  Investment Manager's Report             11-15

  Directors                                  16

  Directors' Report                       17-22

  Management Report                          23

  Independent Auditor's Report            24-25

  Audited Financial Statements            26-57

  Company Information                     58-59


MW  TOPS Limited (the "Company") is a closed-ended investment company registered
and  incorporated in Guernsey on 25( )October 2006. A continuation vote for each
class  of Share will be put to Shareholders of the relevant class at the general
meeting of the Company in 2013 and every seven years thereafter.

The  Company's share  capital comprises  three classes  of shares:  Euro shares,
Sterling  shares  and  US$  shares.  Each  of these share classes were initially
admitted  to listing on  the Euronext Amsterdam  stock market. On 18 June 2008,
these  shares were admitted  to listing on  the Official List  of the UK Listing
Authority  and  admitted  to  trading  on  the  main  market of the London Stock
Exchange. On 1 July 2009 the shares were de-listed from Euronext Amsterdam.

In  November 2008, the Company offered its  shareholders an option to redeem all
or part of their holdings at net asset value per share, less costs.

Immediately following the redemption the shares in issue were as follows:

  Share class   Number of issued shares remaining (excluding treasury shares)

  Euro          5,678,426

  Sterling      7,300,798

  US$           1,618,575

At an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 8 January 2009,
shareholders voted in favour of resolutions amending the Articles to effect the

 1. to delete the discount management provisions of the Company and to replace
    such provisions with an annual cash exit facility, under which the Directors
    may, in their absolute discretion, offer to redeem up to all of the shares
    in issue, or up to all of the shares in issue in a particular class or
    classes, once in any 12 month calendar period on or about the time of the
    annual general meeting commencing in 2010, at the Net Asset Value ("NAV")
    per share of the relevant class, less the aggregate of a discount of up to
    2 per cent of such NAV per share and the costs and expenses of implementing
    such an offer; and

 2. to insert additional provisions empowering the Board to redeem compulsorily
    shares of any class if the aggregate NAV of the shares in issue of the
    relevant class, or the number of holders of shares of the relevant class,
    are such that the continued existence of such class ceases, in the Board's
    opinion, ceases to be viable.

Investment Objective of the Company

The  investment  objective  of  the  Company  is  to provide consistent absolute
returns  primarily derived through trading in equities of companies incorporated
in or whose principal operations are in Europe (including Eastern Europe).

Investment Policy of the Company

The  investment  policy  of  the  Company  is  to invest its assets primarily in
European  equity  markets  both  by  utilising  the  TOPS investment process and
investing  in opportunities chosen by Marshall Wace  LLP. TOPS is a framework of
proprietary  Marshall  Wace  applications  and  models  which  seek  to capture,
appraise,  optimise and act upon securities trading ideas received from Marshall
Wace's extensive network of contributors within the brokerage community.


The  Company will pursue its investment  policy indirectly through investment in
the  sub-trusts of  the TOPS  Trust (an  umbrella unit  trust) or in other funds
managed  by Marshall Wace (the "Underlying Funds"), the assets of which are used
to  trade systematically on the basis of  those ideas of the brokerage community
selected  by TOPS and  to invest in  opportunities chosen by  Marshall Wace. The
investment  policy of each of the  Underlying Funds is therefore consistent with
the  Company's  investment  policy.  Marshall  Wace  may  in  the future seek to
identify  opportunities for  the Company  to invest  up to  100 per cent  of its
assets  in other Underlying Funds than those investing in at the year end, while
remaining within the Company's investment objective and policy.

The  Company  may  also  retain  amounts  in  cash  or cash equivalents, pending
reinvestment,  if this  is considered  appropriate to  the objective  of seeking
consistent absolute returns.

The  Underlying Funds may invest in a wide range of instruments including listed
and  unlisted equities, futures, other derivatives  and debt securities and will
take  long and short positions over a  variety of time periods. The Company will
only  enter into derivative transactions for the purposes of efficient portfolio
management and not for speculative purposes.

The  Company may employ direct borrowings up to  a maximum of 20 per cent of the
NAV at the time of borrowing in order to fund share buy backs and the payment of
fees and expenses by the Company.

The  Company has  adopted the  following investment  restrictions for so long as
they remain requirements of the UK Listing Authority:

  * the Company will avoid cross-financing between business forming part of its
    investment portfolio;

  * the Company will avoid the operation of common treasury functions as between
    the Company and investee companies;

  * neither the Company nor any subsidiary (other than business forming part of
    the investment portfolio) will conduct any trading activity which is
    significant in the context of the group as a whole; and

  * the Company does not intend to invest in other closed-ended investment
    funds, and in any case, will not invest more than 10 per cent of the total
    assets of the Company in other closed-ended investment funds except for
    those which themselves have stated investment policies to invest no more
    than 15 per cent of their gross assets in other closed-ended investment

The  investment policy of the Company may only  be amended with the consent of a
simple majority of shareholders.

Portfolio History

The  Company originally invested 50% of the  net proceeds of the global offering
in  Euro-denominated units  of Sub-Trust  C (Opportunistic  Hedged) of  the TOPS
Trust   ("Sub-Trust   C"),   50% in   Euro-denominated   units  of  Sub-Trust  D
(Fundamental-Hedged)  of the TOPS  Trust ("Sub-Trust D"),  this was realigned on
18 February  2008 to invest 10% of assets of  the Company in to Euro-denominated
units  of Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral) of the TOPS Trust ("Sub-Trust N") and the
investments  into Sub-Trust C and Sub-Trust  D were reduced proportionately. For
the  period  from  1 June  2009 to  31 July  2009 the portfolio was reviewed and
reinvested in to the following Euro-denominated Sub-Trusts:


Sub-Trust A (Opportunistic) 35%

Sub-Trust B (Fundamental) 35%

Sub-Trust H (Balanced Europe) 10%

Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral) 20%

With  effect from 1 August 2009 the portfolio  was reviewed again and reinvested
in the following Euro-denominated Sub Trusts:

Sub-Trust H (Balanced Europe) 10%

Sub-Trust European TOPS 70%

Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral) 20%

Following  the year  end, the  Board announced  its intention  to redeem all, or
substantially  all,  of  its  holding  in  the  TOPS Trust and to invest all, or
substantially  all, of its assets in equivalent  units of one or more sub-trusts
of Marshall Wace Investment Strategies, an umbrella unit trust established under
the  laws of  Ireland. Each  Sub-Trust employs  Marshall Wace's  Trade Optimised
Portfolio System ("TOPS").

The  TOPS investment process  comprises a framework  of proprietary applications
and  models that seeks to capture, analyse, optimise and act upon the investment
ideas  of contributors from the  brokerage community and to  aggregate them in a
dynamic  portfolio construction process. At  the end of September 2009, Marshall
Wace was polling contributors from 314 firms located in over 50 countries.

Marshall  Wace  believes  that  investment  advice  received  from the brokerage
community,  if systematically  monitored and  analysed, can  be combined  into a
diversified portfolio with attractive risk-reward characteristics.

The  assets of the Sub-Trusts are used to trade systematically ideas selected by
optimisation  models developed by  Marshall Wace to  exploit these opportunities
and  to  effect  additional  investment  opportunities  chosen  by  the relevant
investment managers.

The  investment process of Sub-Trust H  (Balanced Europe) is to trade investment
ideas driven by valuation and fundamental criteria, prevailing market themes and
stock-specific  events. The  resulting portfolio  is expected  to be  liquid and
characterised  by medium  to long-term  holding periods.  The Investment Manager
expects  that  Sub-Trust  H  (Balanced  Europe)'s  portfolio will exhibit higher
levels of volatility than the other sub-trusts with more diversified strategies.
The Investment Manager may also pursue a discretionary hedging policy to control
market,  sector  and  thematic  exposures.  Sub-Trust  H (Balanced Europe)'s net
market  exposure will vary but will not normally exceed a range from 20 per cent
net  short  to  80 per  cent  net  long.  Where  deemed appropriate, Sub-Trust H
(Balanced  Europe) may  employ leverage  including, without  limitation, through
borrowing  securities  and  other  investments  and by entering into derivatives
transactions.  The  gross  exposure  of  Sub-Trust  H (Balanced Europe) will not
exceed 500 per cent of its NAV.

The  investment process of Sub-Trust European  TOPS is to trade investment ideas
driven by: (a) general factors such as stock and market momentum, and prevailing
market  themes and  events affecting  an individual  stock in particular (e.g. a
merger  or  takeover,  and  earnings  release,  changes to the management of the
issuer,  or any  other commercially  significant event);  and (b)  valuation and
fundamental  criteria such as earnings growth  and outlook for a specific stock.
The  resulting portfolio is expected to be relatively liquid and diversified and
characterised by relatively high turnover.


The  Investment  Manager  may  pursue  a  discretionary  hedging policy to limit
drawdown  and preserve investors' capital.  Additional hedging positions will be
used  to control market, sector and  thematic exposures. The net market exposure
of  Sub-Trust European TOPS will vary according to the Investment Manager's view
of  market prospects and the  Investment Manager will have  discretion to be net
short of markets. However, the overall net market exposure of Sub-Trust European
TOPS  is not normally expected  to exceed a range  from 50 per cent net short to
150 per  cent net  long. Where  deemed appropriate,  Sub-Trust European TOPS may
employ  leverage including, without limitation, through borrowing securities and
other  investments  and  by  entering  into  derivatives transactions. The gross
exposure of Sub-Trust European TOPS will not exceed 300 per cent of its NAV. The
Investment Manager may from time to time consider hedging currency exposure, but
will  not generally enter into contracts involving a speculative position in any

The  investment process of Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral) is to trade on the basis
of  investment ideas  driven by  (a) general  factors such  as stock  and market
momentum  and prevailing market themes and  events affecting an individual stock
in  particular (e.g. a merger  or takeover, an earnings  release, changes to the
management  of the issuer, or any other commercially significant event); and (b)
valuation  and fundamental  criteria such  as earnings  growth and outlook for a
specific  stock. The resulting portfolio is expected to be relatively liquid and
diversified.  The Investment Manager will  pursue a discretionary hedging policy
to  preserve investors' capital in line  with its long-term investment strategy.
Although  the investment objective of Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral) is to provide
investors  with consistent absolute  returns by implementing  a long term market
neutral  investment strategy,  the net  market exposure  of Sub-Trust  N (Market
Neutral)  may temporarily  vary according  to the  Investment Manager's  view of
market prospects and the Investment Manager will have discretion to be net short
of  markets. However,  the overall  net market  exposure of  Sub-Trust N (Market
Neutral)  is not normally expected to exceed  a range from 15 per cent net short
to  15 per cent net long. Where deemed appropriate, Sub-Trust N (Market Neutral)
may  employ leverage including, without limitation, through borrowing securities
and  other investments and by entering  into derivatives transactions. The gross
exposure  of Sub-Trust N  (Market Neutral) will  not exceed 600 per  cent of its


Net Asset Value Summary

  * The NAV per share of each share class of MW TOPS Limited has outperformed
    the MSCI Europe AC TR Index since launch.

  * The multi-factor risk management framework governing the strategies in which
    MW TOPS Limited invests has contributed to a limited drawdown during the
    challenging market conditions of 2008 and Q1 2009.

  * NAV per share continues to exhibit low volatility as measured against the
    MSCI Europe AC TR Index.

 MW TOPS Limited                                 Total Net Assets: EUR153,155,177

                                    30 Sept 2009     30 Sept 2009  30 Sept 2009

                                     Euro shares  Sterling shares    US$ shares

                                               EUR                £             $

 Net Assets                           58,541,593       76,174,104    16,467,763

 Net Asset Value per share                 10.31            10.43         10.17

 Mid market share price (LSE)(1)            9.43             9.53          9.33

 Total number of shares in             5,678,426        7,300,798     1,618,575

(1) Data source: Bloomberg

(2) To the exclusion of those held in treasury


Monthly Track Record

 MW TOPS                                                                                             %

 Limited        Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan    Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep     %      Perf

 NAV           2008  2008  2008  2009   2009  2009  2009  2009  2009  2009  2009  2009   YTD     Since

 Performance                                                                                 Inception

 Euro NAV      8.98  9.02  9.04  9.16   9.03  9.20  9.39  9.60  9.71  9.78  9.97 10.31

 Euro Net    -5.37% 0.45% 0.22% 1.33% -1.42% 1.88% 2.07% 2.24% 1.15% 0.67% 1.99% 3.41% 8.64%     3.10%

 GBP NAV       9.10  9.15  9.15  9.27   9.14  9.31  9.50  9.71  9.83  9.89 10.09 10.43

 GBP Net     -5.11% 0.55% 0.00% 1.31% -1.40% 1.86% 2.04% 2.21% 1.24% 0.63% 2.01% 3.37% 8.76%     4.30%

 US$ NAV       8.88  8.91  8.92  9.04   8.92  9.08  9.27  9.47  9.58  9.65  9.84 10.17

 US$ Net     -5.23% 0.34% 0.11% 1.35% -1.33% 1.79% 2.09% 2.16% 1.16% 0.70% 2.00% 3.35% 8.54%     1.70%


Underlying Investment Details

                                            Units held by

 Holdings                  Unit Price in  MW TOPS Limited   Value of units held
                                    EUR(1)                                   in EUR

 Sub-Trust H                      163.71        95,796.72            15,682,881
 (Balanced Europe)

 Sub-Trust European               126.72       875,556.24           110,950,487

 Sub-Trust N (Market              105.25       287,517.96            30,261,265

(1) Unit price to 2 decimal places

Note: The above data is confirmed as at 30 September 2009

Data Source: Citi Hedge Fund Services Limited

  Average Premium/Discount since launch 8 December 2006

  MW TOPS Limited - EUR share class                               -6.04%

  MW TOPS Limited - US$ share class                               -5.07%

  MW TOPS Limited - GBP share class                               -4.58%

  Industry Average (Single Manager Hedge Fund)                   -8.94%*

*Data Source: Kepler Partners. Industry average from 1 December 2006 - 30
September 2009


I  am pleased  to present  to shareholders  the Annual  Financial Report  of the
Company in this, its third year of operation.

The  share price  performance of  the Company  against the  continuing difficult
economic  backdrop and volatile  market conditions was  satisfactory in absolute
terms  with the  Euro share  price increasing  from EUR8.70  to EUR  9.43, a rise of
+8.33%.  This  compares  favourably  to  a  return of European equity markets as
measured  by  the  MSCI  AC  Daily  TR  Net  Europe  Local  Index of +1.52%. The
Investment  Manager's Report on  pages 11 to 15 outlines  the performance of the
Company's  portfolio and  its risk  profile over  what has been an exceptionally
challenging period. While the absolute return of the Company has been lower than
the  objective set  out in  the prospectus  it is  notable that it has generated
positive net returns since inception (the NAV per share of the Euro class rising
3.15%) despite the market falling 19.17%.

In  November 2008, in response to the torrid market conditions the Board offered
investors  the opportunity  to redeem  all or  part of  their investment  in the
Company  at net asset value per  share less costs. Redemption requests totalling
approximately 84% of the net assets of the Company were received. The redemption
offer  provided  liquidity  for  shareholders  at  a time of market distress and
demonstrated  the  Board's  and  the  Investment  Manager's commitment to act in
accordance with the interests of shareholders.

In  addition, the Board  instigated a review  of the expenses  of the Company to
ensure that costs were being efficiently managed. The most significant result of
this  review was the decision to concentrate the Company's trading activity on a
single  exchange  and  consequently  the  Board  decided to delist the Company's
shares  from NYSE Euronext Amsterdam on  1 July 2009 and to maintain its listing
on the London Stock Exchange.

While  the restrictions on short selling have been eased since December 2008 and
replaced with reporting requirements, the regulatory environment for hedge funds
continues to be in a state of flux. Wide ranging proposals have been put forward
by   the  European  Commission  and  other  national  governmental  bodies.  The
Investment  Manager has advised the Board  that it believes that these proposals
will  not affect  its ability  to implement  the Company's  investment strategy.
However, the Investment Manager continues to monitor the developments.

In February this year, Sir Andrew Large announced his resignation from the Board
after  serving just  over two  years as  chairman. I  was pleased  to accept the
Board's  offer to  succeed Sir  Andrew and  I would  like to  thank him  for his
contribution to the Company.

The  Board maintains an  open and constructive  relationship with the Investment
Manager  and continues to have confidence in the ability of the TOPS strategy to
deliver both alpha and absolute returns.

Dr Cameron McPhail


28 January 2010


Marshall Wace LLP ("Marshall Wace" or "MW") was founded by Paul Marshall and Ian
Wace in 1997 and, since the launch of the flagship Eureka Fund in 1998, has
established itself as one of Europe's foremost hedge fund managers.

At the heart of MW's success is the drive to deliver investment performance of
the highest quality for investors. MW is dedicated to building sustainable
competitive advantage within the investment management industry and strives
continuously to enhance its investment process to achieve this aim.

MW's proprietary approach combines both process-driven and manager led
("European Core") strategies. Both approaches draw on an unrivalled information
edge, developed through the unique relationships established with those
providing investment recommendations. The dynamics of this relationship have
aligned the interests of investor, fund manager and service provider in a
virtuous circle and have led to the creation of a revolutionary process-driven
strategy known as TOPS (Trade Optimised Portfolio System).

The TOPS strategies have formed an important platform for the development of MW
due to its direct transferability to other liquid capital markets. In July
2004, recognising this potential and in anticipation of the launch of Americas
TOPS, Marshall Wace opened its first overseas office in the United States. The
roll-out of TOPS continued in 2006 with the expansion of the programme to
include Asian markets and the subsequent opening of an office in Hong Kong in
October that year.

In December 2006, wishing to make the TOPS strategies available to a wider group
of investors, Marshall Wace announced the listing of MW TOPS Limited (the
"Company") on the NYSE Euronext Exchange. The listing of the Company on the
London Stock Exchange followed in June 2008.

The launch of the Marshall Wace TOPS UCITS Fund, incorporated as a Luxembourg
SICAV in November 2007, was intended to broaden the firm's investor base
further, offering an alternative access point to certain MW TOPS strategies for
investors unable to allocate to traditional offshore hedge funds.

The formation of a joint venture, Marshall Wace GaveKal Asia Limited, in June
2008 reflects the Company's strategic objective to develop a greater presence in
Asia. The bringing together of GaveKal's knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region
alongside the innovative product design, portfolio construction and discipline
risk management of Marshall Wace is expected to have powerful synergies. The
offering of a range of funds under the umbrella of the joint venture is intended
to allow investors to capitalise on the long-term growth prospects in Asia.

Paul Marshall

Paul Marshall is a founding partner of Marshall Wace LLP and was responsible for
the development of the "Core" investment management process, utilised both
within the flagship Eureka (Euro) Fund and also now available as a stand-alone
strategy. As CIO for manager-led strategies he has overall responsibility for
the development of this part of the firm's business. Within his role as
Chairman, Paul has responsibility for business development and corporate
governance and, through his chairmanship of the Partnership Management Committee
and the Investment Advisory Committee, plays a central role in the strategic
direction of the firm.


Paul was formerly a director of Mercury Asset Management, where he was Chief
Investment Officer for European Equities. At the time of his departure in 1997
he was responsible for a team of 15 managing US$12 billion in European Equities.

Ian Wace

Ian Wace is a founding partner of Marshall Wace LLP. As CEO, he has overseen the
growth and development of the firm since the launch of the Eureka (Euro) Fund in
1997. Marshall Wace employs over 160 personnel, and operates from offices in
London, Greenwich, Connecticut and Hong-Kong. Under his stewardship, the firm
pioneered the development of TOPS and is now extending its manager based product
offering. The firm is one of Europe's largest privately-owned alternative asset
managers, recognised for its robust infrastructure and investment processes. As
CEO, Ian is closely involved with all aspects of the management of the firm and
is instrumental in driving forward the broad range of initiatives which will
take the firm through its next phase of growth.

Prior to founding Marshall Wace, Ian was Global Head of Equity and Derivative
Trading at Deutsche Morgan Grenfell ("DMG"), where he was responsible for Equity
Sales Trading, Programme Trading, Proprietary Trading, Stock Lending and Balance
Sheet Management. Prior to joining DMG in 1995, he worked for eleven years at SG
Warburg, where in 1988, as the youngest ever director, he was appointed head of
European Equity Sales and in 1993, head of Proprietary Trading.

Anthony Clake

Anthony Clake has been responsible for the evolution of the MW TOPS strategies
since their inception in 2001. As the Global Product Manager for MW TOPS, he has
overseen the geographic expansion of this investment process across Europe,
Asia, North and South America as well as Emerging Markets. In recognition of his
contribution to the development of Marshall Wace, Anthony was made a partner of
the firm in 2004.

Anthony joined Marshall Wace in August 2001 directly from university following
consultancy work with the firm during 1999 and 2000. Previously he studied
Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Queen's College, Oxford. He was elected to
the Gibbs scholarship for obtaining the highest marks awarded in preliminary and
final examinations.


Financial Year ending 30 September 2009

Within the 12 month period covered by this review the global financial crisis
reached its nadir. The severity of the economic contraction in Q4 2008 and level
of cross-regional contagion within the international banking system was
underscored by the release of numerous statistics in early 2009. The continued
fragility of the financial industry together with the efforts of the asset
management community to quickly deleverage combined to heighten equity market
uncertainty in Q1 2009, resulting in heightened levels of volatility at the
single stock, inter- and intra-sector level. However, while the fundamentals of
the global economy continued in Q2 2009 to hamper belief in any sustained
recovery, equity market participants became more optimistic that the attempts by
various governments to inject liquidity into the economy through monetary policy
and fiscal stimuli and to recapitalise a number of financial institutions might
be sufficient in staving off a deeper global recession. Consequently in Q2 2009
sentiment changed within equity markets, which resulted in a large proportion of
equity indices rallying sharply.

During the 12 month period under review, European equity markets* returned only
+1.52% with a volatility of 27.59%, falling -30.10% from 1 October 2008 to 29
February 2009 and then rallying +45.24% from 1 March 2009 to 30 September 2009.
The NAV per share of the Euro, Sterling and US$ classes showed considerable
resilience in this volatile market environment, rising +8.69%, +8.78% and +8.48%
respectively over the financial year and drawing down only -4.78%, -4.64% and
-4.86% during the particularly testing initial 5 months period. With the
improvement in market sentiment, the net and gross market exposures of MW TOPS
Limited (the "Company") incrementally increased (as detailed below). The steady
pace of this portfolio adjustment meant that the Company maintained conservative
levels of risk, while capturing a portion of the market upside, with the NAV per
share of the Euro, Sterling and US$ classes returning +14.14%, +14.08 and
+14.02% respectively from 1 March to 30 September.

* As measured by the MSCI AC Daily TR Net Europe Local Index

Since Inception to 30 September 2009

Since the launch of the Company on 8 December 2006 to the end of September
2009, the greater proportion of the assets of the Company have delivered a level
of capital protection for investors against the background of a rapidly
deteriorating global equity market. Despite a market fall of 19.17% with a
volatility of 20.94% during this period, the NAV per share of the Euro, Sterling
and US$ classes have generated positive net returns of +3.15%, +4.32% and +1.64%
with a volatility of 8.84%, 8.80% and 9.19% respectively. This represents the
delivery of +7.29%, +8.51% and +5.76% net alpha since inception.

Portfolio Composition

The Investment Manager's objective is to generate absolute returns and deliver
consistent alpha from each of the underlying strategies that comprise the
Company within a robust risk framework which seeks to manage volatility and
limit downside. Since inception, the majority of the assets within the Company
have continued to be invested equally in Sub-trust C and Sub-trust D of the
Marshall Wace TOPS Trust. However, from 1 August 2009, a decision was taken to
allocate the assets of the Company to the relevant Sub-trusts of the Marshall
Wace TOPS Trust according to the following approximate proportions: 70% to
Sub-trust European TOPS, 20% to Sub-trust N (Market Neutral) and 10% to
Sub-trust H (Balanced Europe). The allocation to Sub-trusts N and H, was made as
part of a strategy aimed at ensuring that the Company continues to meet its
long-term target risk-return profile, while delivering a more diversified and
decorrelated source of alpha.


As an illustration of diversified nature of the Company, the bar charts below
show the average sector and country exposures of the combined strategies during
September 2009.

While markets moved initially significantly lower and then rebounded sharply
over the period covered by this review, the greatest positive contribution to
return came from Materials and Banks. The table below sets out the top 5 long
and short sectors in terms of P&L attribution from 1 October 2008 to 30
September 2009.


Top 5 Holdings as at 30 September 2009

Over the Company's financial year, typically no single position has represented
more than 3% of NAV and aggregate exposure to mid-cap securities (>.


The  Board  meets  formally  at  least  four  times a year. In addition to these
scheduled  meetings, the Board has met on an  ad hoc basis and has consulted the
Investment  Manager regularly. The  Directors are satisfied  that they have been
kept  fully informed  of the  investment performance,  financial and operational
controls,  and  other  matters  relevant  to  the  business  of the Company. The
Directors  have,  where  necessary  to  the  furtherance  of their duties, taken
independent  professional  advice  at  the  expense  of  the  Company.  The risk
management   systems   in  relation  to  the  financial  reporting  process  are
incorporated by reference in the Management Report on page 23.

The performance of the investments held by the Company over the reporting period
and the outlook for the future are described in the Investment Manager's Report.
The  Company's financial position, its cash flows and liquidity position are set
out in the financial statements. Its financial instruments and associated risks,
including but not limited to its capital and risk management, and the details of
the  market, equity price,  interest rate, currency,  liquidity and credit risks
are set out at note 7 to the financial statements.

The attendance record of Directors during the year is set out below.

              Quarterly     Ad hoc   Treasury  Conversion      Audit   Other Ad
 Meetings         Board      Board      share   Committee  Committee        hoc
 attended      Meetings   Meetings  Committee    Meetings   Meetings  Committee
                                     Meetings                          Meetings

 No. of               4          5          2          11                     2
 Meetings                                                          3

 Sir Andrew           1          1          0           0          1          0

 Nicholas             4          5          1           1          3          2

 Duncan               4          2          0           0          1          0

 Cameron              3          3          0           0          1          1

 John Le              4          4          1          10          1          0

The   focus   at   Board   meetings  is  a  review  of  investment  performance,
marketing/investor   relations,  risk  management,  general  administration  and
compliance,  peer  group  information  and  industry  issues.  Board  papers are
circulated  in advance, allowing  Directors the opportunity  to add agenda items
they  consider appropriate  for Board  discussion. Each  Director is required to
inform the Board of any potential or actual conflicts of interest prior to Board
discussion.  The committees of the Board  are described later in this Directors'

The  Board evaluates its performance and the performance of individual Directors
on  an annual basis, and believes that  the current mix of skills and experience
of the Directors are appropriate to the requirements of the Company.

Directors' Duties and Responsibilities

The  Company is a member of the  Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") and
follows,  where applicable, the  AIC Code on  Corporate Governance. A summary of
the Directors' duties according to the AIC Code is set out below:

  * Statutory obligations and public disclosure;

  * Strategic matters and financial reporting;

  * Oversight of management and personnel matters;

  * Risk  assessment and management, including reporting, monitoring, governance
    and control; and

  * Other matters having a material effect on the Company.


Committees of the Board

The  Board has created the committees disclosed  below. The Board has not deemed
it  necessary  to  appoint  a  nomination  or  remuneration  committee as, being
comprised  wholly of  non-executive Directors,  the whole  Board considers these

The Management Engagement Committee

At  the first meeting held on 29 November 2007, it was resolved that the Company
would  not have a separate Management Engagement Committee but the activities of
the  Management Committee will be carried out at the meetings of the full Board.
The  Directors do  pay full  regard to  Conflicts of  Interests and  will, where
appropriate, absent themselves from discussions and decisions where there is the
potential for these to exist.

In  the opinion  of the  Directors, no  additional benefit  could be  gained for
shareholders  by  changing  the  Company's  Investment  Manager and it is in the
interests  of shareholders as a  whole to retain for  the foreseeable future the
Investment Manager on the terms agreed.

Audit Committee

An  Audit  Committee,  with  defined  terms  of  reference  and duties considers
inter-alia:  (a)  annual  accounts,  (b)  auditors  reports,  and  (c)  terms of
appointment   and   remuneration  for  the  auditor  (including  overseeing  the
independency  of the auditor, particularly as it relates to non-audit services).
In  addition  the  Audit  Committee  ensures  that  the  Company  maintains high
standards  of integrity,  financial reporting  and internal  controls. The Board
appointed  the  following  as  members:  Nicholas  Falla  (Chairman), Dr Cameron
McPhail, John Le Prevost and Duncan Ford.

Treasury Share Committee

At  a Board meeting held on 22 May 2008 the Board resolved that any one Guernsey
resident  director  may  form  a  Treasury  Share  Committee.  The  Committee is
authorised  to cancel shares held in treasury if it believes that shares held in
treasury are likely to exceed 10% of the issued share capital of the Company.

Conversion Committee

At  a  Board  meeting  held  on  11 August  2008 the Board resolved that any one
Guernsey  resident director  may form  a Conversion  Committee. The Committee is
authorised to approve the monthly conversion ratios between share classes and to
authorise  applications for  admission of  new shares  to any stock exchange the
Company's shares are listed on.

Internal Controls

The  Directors  review  all  controls  including operations, compliance and risk
management and not just internal financial controls and we report as follows.

The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company's system of internal control
and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board has developed a framework that is
designed  to identify, evaluate and manage  the primary operating risks faced by
the  Company. The framework specifies an  on-going review timetable that ensures
at  least  an  annual  review  of  the  Company's  system  of internal controls,
including financial, operational, compliance and risk management.


The  Board  has  delegated  to  third  parties  the  management of the Company's
investment  portfolio, the  provision of  custody services,  the administration,
registration  and  corporate  secretarial  functions  (including the independent
calculation  of the Company's Net Asset Value), and the production of the Annual
Financial   Report   which   is   independently   audited.   The  Board  retains
accountability for the functions it delegates and is responsible for the systems
of  internal control.  Formal contractual  arrangements have  been put  in place
between the Company and the providers of these services.

Compliance  reports  are  provided  at  each  quarterly  Board  meeting  by  the
Secretary, Anson Fund Managers Limited.

John  Le Prevost  has been  appointed the  Company's Compliance  Officer for the
purposes of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets.

The  Company does not have a separate internal audit facility. All the Company's
management  and  administration  functions  are  delegated  to independent third
parties and in the Board's opinion there is therefore no need for the Company to
have an internal audit function.

Corporate Responsibility

The  Company  considers  with  the  Investment  Manager  the ongoing concerns of
investors on the basis of open and regular dialogue.

The  Company keeps abreast  of regulatory and  statutory changes and responds as

The  Board assesses its performance  on an annual basis  based on the guidelines
set out by the AIC and the Combined Code.

Relations with Shareholders

The   Investment   Manager  maintains  a  regular  dialogue  with  institutional
shareholders, the feedback from which is reported to the Board. In addition, the
Investment  Manager  conducts  continuous  marketing,  with  the  objectives  of
ensuring  that shareholders remain fully informed as to the Company's investment
process and performance and marketing the Company to potential investors.

The  Board  monitors  the  Company's  trading  activity  on  a regular basis and
maintains  contact with the Company's principal broker. Shareholder sentiment is
gauged  in part, by reviewing the relative discounts/premiums experienced by the
Company's peer group.

The  Company reports formally to shareholders four times per year. Additionally,
current  information is provided to shareholders on an ongoing basis through the
Company's  website and monthly newsletter. All  holders of shares in the Company
have  the right  to attend  and vote  at the  general meetings, during which the
Board  and the  Manager are  available to  discuss issues affecting the Company.
Shareholders may also contact the Directors via the Secretary,


Substantial Shareholdings

As  at  the  financial  year  end,  the  Company  has  not  been notified of any
significant holdings of shares in the Company.

As  at the  financial year  end no  director had  a substantial  interest in the
Company's share capital.

Audit Information

So far as each of the Directors is aware, there is no relevant audit information
of  which the Company's auditor is unaware, and  each has taken all the steps he
ought  to have taken as  a Director to make  himself aware of any relevant audit
information  and  to  establish  that  the  Company's  auditor  is aware of that

Summary of the Investment Management Agreement

Pursuant  to the Investment Management  Agreement dated 10 November 2006 between
the  Company and Marshall Wace,  Marshall Wace has been  appointed to manage and
invest  the  investments  of  the  Company  in  its discretion in pursuit of the
Company's investment objective and policy.

The  Investment Management Agreement contains provisions under which the Company
exempts Marshall Wace from all liabilities and indemnifies Marshall Wace against
all  liabilities suffered by Marshall Wace in its capacity as investment manager
except  where due to the negligence, wilful default, fraud of or material breach
of   the  Investment  Management  Agreement  by  Marshall  Wace.  Marshall  Wace
indemnifies  the Company  against all  liabilities suffered  by the Company as a
result  of  negligence,  wilful  default,  fraud  of,  or material breach of the
Investment Management Agreement by, Marshall Wace.

In  respect of its  appointment as investment  manager to the  Company under the
Investment  Management  Agreement,  Marshall  Wace  is  entitled  to  receive an
investment  management fee and a  performance fee. No other  fees are payable by
the  Company to Marshall Wace under  the Investment Management Agreement save in
circumstances  where the Company terminates  the Investment Management Agreement
on less than 24 months' notice without cause, in which case the Company will pay
an amount equal to the aggregate investment management fee which would otherwise
have  been paid to Marshall Wace during the 24 months following the date of such
notice  (such amount to be calculated by reference to the Net Asset Value of the
Company as at the date of termination).


Statement of Directors' Responsibility

The Directors are responsible for the preparation of financial statements for
each financial year which give a true and fair view of the Company's state of
affairs as at the end of the year and the results of operations for the year
then ended.

In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to:

  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them on a consistent

  * make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and,

  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is not
    appropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with
The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as amended). They are also responsible for
the system of internal controls for safeguarding the assets of the Company and
hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and
other irregularities.


Ernst and Young LLP has expressed its willingness to continue in office as
auditor. A resolution proposing its reappointment will be submitted at the
forthcoming General Meeting to be held pursuant to Section 199 of The Companies
(Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as amended).

By order of the Board

Cameron McPhail Nicholas Falla

Chairman Director

28 January 2010


A  description of important events which have occurred during the financial year
and  their impact on  the performance of  the Company as  shown in the financial
statements  and  uncertainties  facing  the  Company  is given in the Investment
Manager's  Report on  pages 11 to  15 and is  incorporated here  by reference. A
description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company is given
at note 7 to the financial statements.

Details  of all related party transactions are given in note 10 to the financial

Going Concern

The  Board considers that the Company is  a going concern and on the expectation
of  the Directors that the Company will continue for the foreseeable future, the
financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

The  Board conducts  a rigorous  and proportionate  assessment of  the Company's
operational and financial risk with particular reference to:

  * cash flow requirements;

  * liquidity requirements;

  * the liquidity of the underlying sub-trusts;

  * the Company's debt position, which is currently debt free; and

  * the  continuing viability of  the Company on  a reduced net  asset value and
    cost base.

The  Company no longer has an automatic  cash exit/buy back facility, and a cash
exit  remains at  the discretion  of the  Directors to  make such  an offer. The
Directors have no immediate plans to make a cash exit offer.

The  only financial commitments of the Company are its ongoing fees and expenses
stated  in  note  6 to  the  financial  statements.  After making enquiries, the
Directors  have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources
to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

 a. the financial statements, prepared in accordance with International
    Financial Reporting Standards,give a true and fair view of the assets,
    liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and

 b. the Management Report includes or incorporates by reference a fair review of
    the development and performance of the business and the position of the
    Company, together with a description of the principal risks and
    uncertainties that they face.

John Le Prevost Nicholas Falla

Director Director

28 January 2010



We have audited the Company's financial statements for the year ended 30
September 2009 which comprise the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Attributable to Participating shares, the
Cash Flow Statement and the related Notes 1 to 12. These financial statements
have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein.

This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance
with Section 262 of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. Our audit work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are
required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility
to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

The Directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in
accordance with applicable Guernsey law as set out in the Statement of
Directors' Responsibilities.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with
relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on
Auditing (UK and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true
and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with The Companies
(Guernsey) Law, 2008. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the Company has
not kept proper accounting records, if the financial statements are not in
agreement with the accounting records, or if we have not received all the
information and explanations we require for our audit.

We read other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it
is consistent with the audited financial statements. The other information
comprises only the Background to the Company, Financial Highlights, Chairman's
Statement, Background to the Investment Manager, Investment Manager's Report,
Directors, Directors' Report, Management Report, and Company Information. We
consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our
responsibilities do not extend to any other information.

Basis of audit opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
(UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes
examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the
significant estimates and judgments made by the Directors in the preparation of
the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate
to the Company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other
irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall
adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.




In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards, of the state of the Company's
affairs as at 30 September 2009 and of its loss for the year then ended and have
been properly prepared in accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

Ernst & Young LLP


January 2010

  MW TOPS Limited (the "Company")


  As at 30 September 2009

|                       |          Notes|                  2009|           2008|
|                       |               |                     EUR|              EUR|
|Assets                 |               |                      |               |
|Cash and cash          |               |               16,572 |      1,916,196|
|equivalents            |               |                      |               |
|Financial assets at    |              4|          156,894,633 |  1,063,305,461|
|fair value through     |               |                      |               |
|profit or loss         |               |                      |               |
|Trade and other        |               |                29,523|        136,001|
|receivables            |               |                      |               |
|Total assets           |               |           156,940,728|  1,065,357,658|
|Liabilities            |               |                      |               |
|Financial liabilities  |              4|             3,372,891|              -|
|at fair value through  |               |                      |               |
|profit or loss         |               |                      |               |
|Investment management  |              6|               255,693|      1,560,590|
|fee                    |               |                      |               |
|Administration fees    |              6|                 9,820|         10,240|
|Trade and other        |               |               147,147|        312,461|
|payables               |               |                      |               |