Moreton Resources Limited updated the market on its progress at the Granite Belt Project, under the management of its fully owned subsidiary MRV Metals Pty Ltd. The Board advised that they are expecting to enter Silver production in the month of February, despite the issues and concerns that have been experienced to date. Whilst the process is a drastic step in the operations, which entails the removal of ore from heap leach 4 and restacking, it was determined it was the only way Operations could access the entire heap, to understand the issues pertaining to the raising of Alkalinity (positive pH) in the heaps. Technically the leaching process for Silver/Gold is a positive Alkalinity and the processes upon site pre-stacking, as confirmed in the Due Diligence undertaken From 2006 to 2014, identified natural ore was dug from the pit at a benign level of acidity, agglomerated by way of adding cement and quick lime, which took the natural ore to approx pH 8-9 when stacked. The process from there was then to add pH 10-11 water over the heaps, which also contained Cyanide as the process for leaching of Silver and Gold requires positive Alkalinity. Copper however relies upon an acid based irrigation, which is a low pH. This would not be normal practice or foreseeable in a Silver/Gold leaching operation. The market will note, the blue green Copper Sulphate clearly identifiable in the sub-base of the heaps, which in recent time it is now apparent have essentially acted as a copper strip. Whilst the company has highlighted in prior announcements company desire to investigate the Copper as a bye product to company's operations, as a secondary leach or dual recovery processes, the issues faced are somewhat premature and problematic. It is now apparent that post mining activities (2015 onward), movement upon site of Acid Mine Drainage from the Waste Rock dump, to uncontaminated areas has occurred which has led to significant volumes of acid mine drainage across the site. This bulk movement of acid mine drainage was not anticipated or expected through company's Due Diligence process, as it is apparent that the heaps were irrigated with the significant volumes of AMD for a prolonged periods, in an attempt to evaporate the water.