Modern Water plc launched the OVA7000 Dual Cell, a new product which is part of its popular trace metal analyser product portfolio. The OVA7000 Dual Cell has been designed to extend the range of detectable metals to up to ten in a single unit and offers 24 hour monitoring of three to six sample streams, both of which represent great advances on existing technology. The new analyser uses voltammetry to detect metals in liquid applications.

Voltammetry is an internationally accepted detection method which offers an alternative solution to lengthy laboratory analysis and is used in all of Modern Water's OVA product range. It can be used to detect contaminants in rivers, lakes, groundwater and the sea; to monitor process and drinking water quality; and industrial and municipal wastewater discharges. Modern Water's OVA products have proven to offer cost effective, accurate and real time solutions to trace metals monitoring in a range of environments and applications across the world.

A significant advantage of the new monitor is that it has two analytical cells and each can be fitted with a different electrode whilst sharing the one pre-treatment unit. Voltammetry methods often require different electrodes in order to optimise the detection of a specific metal. By having a single unit with two electrodes, the Dual Cell allows combinations of metals that would previously have required two separate instruments.