Mirae Sci Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A028040) announced a private placement of 3,215,435 common shares at an issue price of KRW 622 per common share for gross proceeds of KRW 2,000,000,570 on August 29, 2019. The transaction will include participation from Shin Jin Food Co., Ltd. for 3,215,435 common shares for KRW 2,000,000,570. The company will raise funding through third-party allotment. The common shares have a par value of KRW 500 per share, and will be issued at premium. The company has total number of shares of 35,017,261 prior to the transaction. The shares are subject to a hold period of 1 year. The transaction was approved by the board of directors of the company. The company expects to close the transaction on September 20, 2019.