Minshang Creative Technology Holdings Limited dated 30 October 2020 in relation to the company's subscription of 8.25% notes issued by China Tonghai International Financial Limited in the principal amount of HKD 12,000,000 which constituted a disclosable transaction for the Company. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement. As disclosed in the Announcement, the maturity date of the Notes is 29 January 2021. Pursuant to the Subscription Agreement and the terms and conditions of the Notes, the Maturity Date may be extended for another 3 months subject to (i) the prior written consent of all the holders of the Notes and the Issuer and (ii) the payment of the accrued interest by the Issuer to the holders of the Notes on 29 January 2021. The Board hereby announces that the Company, being the sole holder of the Notes, agreed to extend the Maturity Date from 29 January 2021 to 29 April 2021 pursuant to the Subscription Agreement and the terms and conditions of the Notes. The Issuer had, on 29 January 2021, paid accrued interest in the aggregate amount of HKD 246,821.92, and issued a new certificate in respect of the Notes, to the Company to reflect the Extension. As such, the Maturity Date was extended to 29 April 2021 accordingly.