The board of directors (the "Board") of Midea Real Estate Holding Limited (the "Company") hereby announces that with effect from 23 May 2023, Mr. Lin has resigned as a joint company
secretary of the Company due to his intention to devote more time to the overall management of the financial and treasury affairs, and the securities business of the Company and its
subsidiaries (the "Group"). Nevertheless, Mr. Lin would retain his roles at the Company as (i) an executive director and chief financial officer; (ii) an authorised representative under Rule
3.05 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules"); and (iii) an authorised representative for accepting service of
process and notices on behalf of the Company in Hong Kong as required under Rule 19.05(2) of the Listing Rules and under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws
of Hong Kong). Mr. Lin has confirmed to the Board that as at 23 May 2023, he has no disagreement with the Board and the Company, and there is no other matter in relation to his
resignation as a joint company secretary of the Company that needs to be brought to the attention of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") and the
shareholders of the Company. Ms. Wan, the head of securities affairs of the Company, has been appointed as a joint company secretary of the Company with effect from 23 May 2023. Ms. Wan joined Midea Real Estate Group Limited a principal subsidiary of the Company in 2017. Since 2019, she has primarily assisted Mr. Lin in overseeing the capital market and investor relations matters of the Group and has been involved in overseeing the corporate governance and compliance matters, company secretarial matters, capital market and investor relations matters of the Group since 2022. She has extensive industry and professional experience in securities and capital operation affairs. Prior to joining the Group, Ms. Wan served as the supervisor and person-in-charge of finance in other enterprises in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC"). Ms. Wan graduated from Xi'an
International University in the PRC with a bachelor's degree in Management and has been an intermediate accountant () accredited by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangdong Province. Ms. Chan was appointed as one of the joint company secretaries of the Company on 15 May 2018. Ms. Chan has extensive experience in providing company secretarial and compliance services to a number of private and listed companies. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Chan served at Welling Holding Limited (a company previously listed on the Stock Exchange and was privatised in February 2018, which is a subsidiary of Midea Group Co. Ltd. from June 2013 to April 2018. Ms. Chan received a postgraduate diploma in Corporate Administration from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in November 2004 and a master's degree in Corporate Governance from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in
October 2009. Ms. Chan is a member of both The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries) and The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) in the United Kingdom and meets the requirements stipulated under Rule 3.28 of the Listing Rules.