Meredith Corporation announced that Rachael Ray's magazine brand debuts a fresh, redesigned look and format under its new name: Rachael Ray In Season. Now available on newsstands nationwide and online for $9.99 an issue, the new quarterly issue boasts an upgraded paper stock, bolder photography, and new editorial sections and insider contributors. The Winter/Spring 2020 issue celebrates Rachael's beloved perspective on life, food, and travel, seen in numerous features: Rach's Sunday Dinner: A project cooking moment for when one has more than 30 minutes to spend in the kitchen, these recipes will inspire one to gather those one loves, "get comfortable, and comfort one another," Rachael says; 3 Minute Meal: A how-to from Rachael proving one can make great food in seconds! Each month she shares a technique that can master to whip up all kinds of quick and delicious dinners for family; What's Fresh: A column dedicated to easy weeknight cooking ideas that pack in the season's best ingredients; and The Dish: It share news, trends and other cool stuff worth knowing about including interviews with buzzworthy chefs, Rachael's favorite beauty finds, fashion and home products, and a leisurely, highly visual travel section packed with Rach's personal recommendations. On the advertising side, new marketers to Rachael Ray In Season include Kraft, Perdue, Walmart, Wonderful Pistachios and others.