Meiho Enterprise Co., Ltd. announced a private placement of 13,333 3rd stock acquisition rights at a price of ¥310 per share for the gross proceeds of ¥4,133,230 and 6,154 4th stock acquisition rights at a price of ¥139 per share for the gross proceeds of ¥855,406 and 11,111 5th stock acquisition rights at a price of ¥51 per share for the gross proceeds of ¥566,661 for the total gross proceeds of ¥5,555,297 on June 28, 2024. The transaction has been approved by the shareholders of the company and is expected to close on July 16, 2024. As a part of the transaction, the company paid ¥14,000,000 as issuance fee in the transaction.

The Third Series of Stock Acquisition Rights, with an exercise price initially fixed at ¥450 and an exercise period of three years and a maximum of 1,333,300 shares, The Fourth Series of Stock Acquisition Rights, with an exercise price initially fixed at ¥650 and an exercise period of three years and a maximum of 615,400 shares, The Fifth Series of Stock Acquisition Rights, with an exercise price initially fixed at ¥900 and an exercise period of three years and a total of 1,111,100 shares.