31 MAY 2024


The sole shareholder of EU-SOLARTrading and Services Public Company Limited by Shares (registered seat: 7630 Pécs, Koksz street 127.; registration authority: Pécs County Court as Court of Registration; registration number: 02-10-060424; hereinafter: Company) has approved the corporate governance report concerning business year 2023 of the Company as follows.

1. Introduction

The Company was established on 30 September 2016, through the transformation of EU-SOLAR Trading and Services Limited Liability Company, that had been set up on 28 September 2016. The registered seat of the Company, and the principal place of business as well, is 7630 Pécs, Koksz street 127. The Company is registered with Pécs County Court as Court of Registration. The registration number of the Company is 02-10-060424.

Shareholders controlling more than 5% of the shares of the Company on 31 December 2023 and on the date of this corporate governance report:

Shareholder's name

Ratio of shares and voting rights (%)

Energy Investment Plc.

100,00 %

Free float

0,00 %


100,00 %

Main activity of the Company: 4669 '08 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment.

The share capital of the company is HUF 250,000,000, that is two hundred and fifty million forints, that consists of 2,500,000 that is two million five hundred dematerialized ordinary shares, each of them having a nominal value of HUF 100, that is one hundred forints. The shares are transferable without any restriction.

The Budapest Stock Exchange registered ordinary shares of the Company on Xtend multilateral trading facility as of 22 April 2022; at the same time, the form of operation of the Company was changed to public company limited by shares. The first day of trading of the shares on Xtend market was 9 May 2022.

The main purpose of the this corporate governance report is to present the level of compliance of the operation of the Company with Corporate Governance Recommendations issued by the Budapest Stock Exchange, concerning the business year 2023.

2. Operation of the board of directors

In business year 2023, the board of directors consisted of 3 (three) persons; its members, and among them, the chairman shall be elected by the general meeting. The board of directors shall adopt its own rules of procedure. The board of directors is the representative and managerial body of the Company. The board of directors shall exercise its rights and perform its duties as a board. Order of operation of the board of directors, and distribution of its duties and tasks among the members may be regulated in the rules of procedure. Members of the board of directors not being shareholders are entitled to participate in general meeting with right of consultation.

The financial statements of the Company as defined in act on accounting and proposal on use of profit after tax shall be submitted to the general meeting by the board of directors. The board of directors shall report on management, financial status and business policies of the Company, at least once a year to the general meeting and once in every three months to the supervisory board. The board of directors shall keep business records of the Company in accordance with the relevant


laws, and prepare quarterly reports on status of business activity to the supervisory board. The board of directors shall take care of preparing, organizing and conducting general meetings, including technical conditions of voting, and determining quick, clear and unequivocal result of the voting. The board of directors may invite any third person with right of giving opinion and making comments to the general meeting of the Company, in case the presence of this person is necessary, or it facilitates providing proper information to the shareholders or making decisions. Furthermore, the board of directors shall ensure that shareholders requesting additional items for the agenda may submit written proposal on invitation of any third person related to the requested new item of the agenda, and in case the board of directors agrees with the proposal, such third person shall be invited to the general meeting with right of giving opinion and making comments. The board of directors shall take care of publishing answers - in case it is not in conflict with interests of the Company - to questions emerged in the general meeting cannot be answered by participating representatives or statutory auditor of the company, within 3 (three) working days after the general meeting, or if it is not possible, shall publish announcement the fact of and the reasons for lack of answers on the website of the Company. The members of the board of directors shall keep all information disclosed to them regarding their position - except for information affected by disclosure obligation - as business secret of the Company.

Members of the board of directors in business year 2023:


Strating date of mandate

End date of mandate

András Balázs Petre

22 April 2022


Hortenzia Petréné Kárpáti

22 April 2022


Dr. András Petre

23 August 2022


Chairman of the board of directors: András Balázs Petre.

András Balázs Petre has been working with solar PV energy systems for almost a decade and a half. He acquired the theoretical foundations and practical skills of PV solar installation in the United States, specifically in California, and further expanded his knowledge through the European Energy Manager (EUREM) training in Germany. He has participated in several international conferences and successfully completed exams for PV solar installation and maintenance in Hungary. He has conducted market research and overseen multi-billion-HUF value construction projects. In 2012, he co-founded and shortly thereafter became the director of EU-SOLAR Ltd. In 2015, he completed the Procurement Officer training at the University of Pécs and obtained the accreditation of Responsible Technical Manager in the field of solar energy. András Balázs Petre is a prominent figure in the Hungarian solar sector, regularly speaking at prestigious domestic and international solar conferences, and actively disseminating information in social media

Hortenzia Petréné (Mrs. Petre) Kárpáti, earned her Bachelor's degree in Humanities from the University of Pécs in 1995 and began her career as a Hungarian-German high school teacher at the István Bibó Alternative School of Economics in Hévíz. She served as a subject teacher and mentor at the foundation-run reform school. She takes pride in guiding her students to successful completion of their high school exams and language proficiency tests, many of whom have since become accomplished professionals holding multiple degrees. In 1997, she obtained a professional qualification as a tour guide and worked as one in her hometown in addition to teaching language courses for adults in her spare time. After starting a family, she taught at the MIOK József Nádor Grammar and Vocational School in Pécs, followed by a position as a subject teacher at the Károly Simonyi Vocational and Secondary School of the Pécs Vocational Training Centre until 2016. In 2017, she obtained her second degree from the University of Pécs, becoming a certified mentor and lead teacher. Leaving the field of public education, she joined EU-SOLAR Ltd., where she initially served as the professional head of adult education, with the task to establish the company's adult


education division. From 2019 to 2023, she served as the Vice President of Education for the Hungarian Solar Panel and Collector Association.

Dr. András Petre graduated as an electrical engineer in 1966, followed by obtaining his degree in economics in 1977 from the Budapest University of Technology. In 1983, he earned his doctoral degree in economics from the Janus Pannonius University of Pécs. In 1991, he became a European engineer and a member of FEANI. Between 2014 and 2021, he participated in numerous professional training courses in electrical engineering, energy, building electrical systems, lightning protection, e-mobility, and telecommunications. He is a member of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, the Neumann János Computer Science Society, the Management Science Society, the New York Academy, and the IEEE. In 1989, as the financial manager of the South Transdanubian Power Supply Company (later E.ON), he led the company's transformation, asset valuation, and privatization. Since 2015, he has been responsible for designing photovoltaic (solar) systems (residential-scale small power plants) at EU-SOLAR Plc., as well as participating in the company's educational activities. His professional activities cover a wide range of areas; in recent years, he has been involved in the design of lighting for public spaces, road junctions, roundabouts, as well as the energy needs of group residential buildings or the electrical networks of residential buildings (detached houses). He has also designed photovoltaic systems and solar power plants. Since 2017, he has been conducting instructional activities in a state-approved training program titled "Installer and Maintainer of Small-Scale Solar Power Plants." At the Technical School of Mechanical Engineering, he taught subjects such as technician qualification in electrical machinery and electrical systems, introduced the foundational subject of engineering physics at the Pécs University of Medical Sciences, which has since expanded its scope and concurrently provided theoretical and practical instruction in electrotechnology. At the Janus Pannonius University of Pécs, he introduced the subject of controlling, and during lectures and practical sessions on operational economics and finance, he maintained and further developed his technical/economic expertise. His scholarly works have appeared in numerous publications of the professional field and association. As a member of the Building Electrical Design and Expertise Division of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers' Baranya County Branch, he conducts building electrical design, building electrical expertise, energy certification of buildings, expertise in energy facilities, and responsible technical management of electrical lines and equipment.

The board of directors of the Company held 8 (eight) sessions in business year 2023:

  • the session of the board of directors held on 24 January 2023 convoked extraordinary general meeting of the Company on 23 February 2023; all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 2 February 2023 passed proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 23 February 2023; all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 24 February 2023 convoked extraordinary general meeting of the Company on 28 March 2023; all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 7 March 2023 passed proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 28 March 2023; 2 (two) members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 28 April 2023 convoked annual general meeting of the Company on 30 May 2023; all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 9 May 2023 passed particular proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the annual general meeting of the Company to be held on 30 May 2023; all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;


  • the session of the board of directors held on 25 May 2023 passed remaining proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the annual general meeting of the Company to be held on 30 May 2023 (including draft financial statements of the preceding business year); all members of the board of directors participated in the said session;
  • the session of the board of directors held on 29 September 2023 passed semi-annual report of the Company; 2 (two) members of the board of directors participated in the said session.

As assessment of the performance of the members of the board of directors in business year 2022, on 30 May 2023 the sole shareholder of the Company made resolutions no. 14/2023. (V. 30.), 15/2023. (V. 30.) and 16/2023. (V. 30.) stating that performance of the members of the board of directors had been consistent with relevant laws, articles of association of the Company, decisions of the general meeting, and interests of the shareholders, thus discharged them from liability regarding relevant provisions of Act no. V of 2013 on the Civil Code.

The performance of the members of the board of directors in business year 2023 will be assessed upon approving the financial statements of the said period.

3. Operation of the management

In business year 2023, day to day operation of the Company was managed by the following, variable management: the chairman of the board of directors acting in the capacity of the chief executive officer, the deputy chief executive officer, the chief operating officer, and the chief economic officer.

During the aforesaid period, duties of the chief executive officer - upon resolution no. 2/2022.09.30. of the board of directors on division of tasks among members of the board of directors - were performed by András Balázs Petre as chairman of the board of directors. The deputy chief executive officer of the Company was Antal Botond Rencz from 2 October 2023 until the end of the said period. The chief operating officer of the Company was Gábor Tárai from 10 January 2023 until the end of the said period. The chief economic officer of the Company was László Joó from 9 January 2023 to 8 April 2023; after that, this position has not been filled.

Description of professional background and experience of András Balázs Petre is contained in chapter on operation of the board of directors.

Botond Antal Rencz studied at the Budapest University of Economics from 1988 to 1993, where he obtained his degree in marketing and management. Concurrently, he worked as a marketing specialist at American Express. From September 1993, he worked as a tax consultant at Ernst & Young Budapest. In 1997, he expanded his professional experience at Ernst & Young New York. During his tenure the first Eastern European New York desk was established, providing services to American clients in the American time zone. From 1998, he worked at Arthur Andersen, later becoming a company owner/partner in 2001. He served as the CEO of Ernst & Young Hungary from 2015, successfully leading the firm's Central European and Hungarian tax advisory department. From January 2021, he led the Central European group of the global consultancy firm, encompassing eight countries including Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro. Under his leadership, the company continuously grew and received numerous recognitions. The prestigious tax magazine, the International Tax Review, awarded Mr. Rencz 19 international awards, including 9 titles of Tax Advisor of the Year and 10 titles of Transfer Pricing Advisor of the Year. He also held the position of Chairman of the Tax Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, and is a registered tax advisor and tax expert.

Gábor Tárai graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He pursued his second degrees jointly in Human Management and Financial and


Economic Management, organized by the Rochester Institute of Technology and the University at Buffalo, New York. For nearly six years, he served as the plant manager and later as the unit manager for electronics manufacturing at the Continental Group in Hungary. As the director of industrial engineering, he focused on site development, new project introduction, and project transfer. After a brief detour, he took over the management of dashboard manufacturing at the Bosch Group in Hungary, and subsequently served as the global production coordination director for the business segment. In 2009, he was appointed as the Quality Director of Bosch's plant in Hatvan, and a year later, he was elected as a board member of the same factory. From 2011, he worked as the Vice President responsible for quality assurance, occupational safety, and government relations. In this role, he oversaw several investments, including the establishment of the Bosch Logistics Center in Hatvan. From 2018, he continued his career as a Technical Vice President and Managing Director at Bosch, overseeing regional sites, their technical development, and the Budapest Development Campus II project.

4. Operation of the supervisory board

The supervisory board consists of at least 3 (three) members, elected by the general meeting. The majority of members of the supervisory board shall meet independence criteria set out by section 3:287. of the Civil Code. The chairman shall be elected by the supervisory board from its members.

The supervisory board inspects the management of the Company for the general meeting, in accordance with its rules of procedure, that shall be approved by the general meeting. The supervisory board shall review all essential business reports on the agenda of the general meeting, and proposals related to matters falling under the exclusive scope of authority and competence of the general meeting. Decisions of the general meeting concerning financial statements as defined in act on accounting and use of profit after tax can only be made upon written report of the supervisory board. The supervisory board has a quorum when at least 3 (three) members participate in its session, or at least 3 (three) members cast a vote in case of written decision-making. Resolutions of the supervisory board shall be made by simple majority of the votes. Sessions of the supervisory board shall be convened and led by the chairman. Any member of the supervisory board may request - by specifying the reason and the purpose of the meeting - the chairman to convene the session of the supervisory board; the chairman shall take actions within 8 (eight) days in order to convoke the session of the supervisory board to a date not later than 30 (thirty) days from the day of convocation. In case the chairman fails to do so, the requesting member is entitled to convene the session. Members of the supervisory board not being shareholders are entitled to participate in general meeting with right of consultation. Members of the supervisory board bear unlimited, joint and several liability for damages caused by the breach of their inspection obligations to the Company. The members of the supervisory board shall keep all information disclosed to them regarding their position - except for information affected by disclosure obligation - as business secret of the Company.

Members of the supervisory board in business year 2023:


Strating date of mandate

End date of mandate

Tamás Rózsás

22 April 2022


Tünde Ibolya Gadóné Szőke

22 April 2022


Tamás József Véghely

22 April 2022


All three members of the board of directors are considered independent according to provisions of section 3:287. of the Civil Code.

Chairman of the supervisory board: Tamás Rózsás.


Tamás Rózsás holds degrees in electrical engineering and economics. From 1992 to 2000, he worked as a development engineer at the Military Technical Institute, where his responsibilities included leading development projects and managing technical documentation. From 2002 to 2003, he served as a chief officer at the Civil-Military Cooperation Department of the Hungarian Defense Staff, where he was involved in organizing the first national NATO CIMIC course. Between 2003 and 2007, he was a department head at the Ministry of Economy and Transport, overseeing IT operations and directing the department responsible for sectoral coordination. He also participated in strategic and budgetary planning and supported senior management in IT-related decision- making. From 2007 to 2010, he worked as an IT project manager at MAVIR Ltd., supporting the IT director in project oversight. From 2013 to 2018, he worked at the National Bank of Hungary, initially as an economic strategy analyst, then as a lead higher education expert. His responsibilities included providing expert support for project and portfolio management, strategic planning, and economic development. Since 2019, he has held the position of senior project manager at Free Consult Ltd., where he supports and leads IT transformation and IT controlling projects.

Tünde Ibolya Gadóné (Mrs. Gadó) Szőke, holds qualifications as a certified auditor, economist, corporate organizer, and tax advisor. Between 1983 and 1984, she worked as an accountant at the Villány-Mecsekalja Wine Industry Plant. Subsequently, from 1985 to 1991, she served as rapporteur for the news service at the Pécs Directorate of the Hungarian Post. From 1991 to 1994, she held the position of chief auditor at the Tax and Financial Inspection Office, Baranya County Directorate. From 1994 to 1995, she served as the chief accountant at Dráva Tourism, Hospitality, and Trade Ltd. Between 1995 and 1998, she worked as the chief accountant at GeoProfil Ltd. From 1998, she has been the owner and CEO of Contir-Audit Accounting and Tax Advisory Ltd., and since 2019, she has been a member and manager of Contir-Audit Accounting, Tax Advisory, and Auditing Partnership, engaging in accounting, auditing, and tax advisory services.

Tamás József Véghely, having graduated from the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Budapest University of Technology, worked as a research engineer at the Microelectronics Company from 1974 to 1986., He engaged in research and development of opto-electronic sensors and transmitters in the private sector between 1986 and 1991. From 1991 to 1997, he worked as an engineering consultant and business developer in the field of professional video technology, then from 1997 he served as the founder and commercial director of Dunasolar Solar Panel Manufacturing Ltd., the first Hungarian solar panel factory, operating as a joint venture between the United States and Hungary until 2003. In the same year, he established his own company under the name GAIASOLAR Ltd., which provides engineering consultancy, design, and turnkey implementation services for all forms of renewable energy.

The supervisory board of the Company held 3 (three) sessions in business year 2023:

  • the session of the supervisory board held on 2 February 2023 reviewed proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 23 February 2023; all members of the supervisory board participated in the said session;
  • the session of the supervisory board held on 7 March 2023 reviewed proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 28 March 2023; all members of the supervisory board participated in the said session;
  • the session of the supervisory board held on 25 May 2023 reviewed proposals and draft resolutions relating to agenda of the annual general meeting of the Company to be held on 30 May 2023 and passed the report of the supervisory board on its operation concerning the preceding business year; all members of the supervisory board participated in the said session.


As assessment of the performance of the members of the supervisory board in business year 2022, on 30 May 2023 the sole shareholder of the Company made resolution no. 17/2023. (V. 30.), approving report of the supervisory board on its operation concerning business year 2022.

The performance of the members of the supervisory board in business year 2023 will be assessed upon approving the financial statements of the said period.

5. Operation of the audit committee

The audit committee consists of 3 (three) members, elected by the general meeting from independent members of the supervisory board. At least 1 (one) member of the audit committee shall have professional qualification in the field of accounting or auditing. Members of the audit committee shall jointly have proper expertise concerning scope of activities of the Company. The general meeting may remove a member from the audit committee at any time.

The audit committee shall have competence in the following issues: supporting the supervisory board concerning inspection of financial matters of the Company, supporting the Company concerning election of the statutory auditor and on cooperation therewith, reviewing the independence of the statutory auditor and the natural person responsible for the audit, monitoring the audit of the Company, monitoring the efficiency of system of internal controls and risk management, and procedures of financial reporting, and suggesting recommendations if necessary. The audit committee may adopt its own rules of procedure, that shall be approved by the general meeting. The session of the audit committee, convened in accordance with rules of its own rules of procedure, has a quorum if at least 3 (three) members participate in the meeting. Resolutions of the audit committee shall be made by simple majority of the votes. Minutes of meeting shall be kept in each session of the audit committee. Sessions of the audit committee shall be convened and led by the chairman. Any member of the audit committee may request - by specifying the reason and the purpose of the meeting - the chairman to convene the session of the audit committee; the chairman shall take actions within 8 (eight) days in order to convoke the session of the audit committee to a date not later than 30 (thirty) days from the day of convocation. In case the chairman fails to do so, the requesting member is entitled to convene the session.

Members of the audit committee in business year 2023:


Strating date of mandate

End date of mandate

Tamás Rózsás

22 April 2022


Tünde Ibolya Gadóné Szőke

22 April 2022


Tamás József Véghely

22 April 2022


Chairman of the supervisory board: Tamás Rózsás.

Descriptions of professional background and experience of members of the audit committee are contained in chapter on operation of the supervisory board.

The audit committee of the Company held 1 (three) session in business year 2023:

  • the session of the audit committee held on 25 May 2023 passed the report of the audit committee on its operation concerning the preceding business year; all members of the audit committee participated in the said session.

As assessment of the performance of the members of the audit committee in business year 2022, on 30 May 2023 the sole shareholder of the Company made resolution no. 18/2023. (V. 30.), approving report of the audit committee on its operation concerning business year 2022.


The performance of the members of the audit committee in business year 2023 will be assessed upon approving the financial statements of the said period.

6. Operation of other boards or committees

In business year 2023, other board or committee not mentioned before has not been established and operated by the Company.

7. System of internal controls

In business year 2023, the Company has not operated yet an internal audit function. Preparation and implementation of rules and methodological framework necessary for risk management and internal audit function is currently under process.

Since October 2021, the Company has been employing a dedicated compliance manager, who is responsible for ensuring compliance with legal regulations, for exploring and handling any abuse, and for preventing future ones inside the organization. The Company has short-term plans to improve the aforesaid function. Compliance is also helped by an external lawyer mandated by the Company.

8. Guidelines and procedures of risk management

The Company currently does not have an independent risk management system, but operates a quality management system complying with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, that contains environmental risk management module as part of its procedures, and a dedicated Company-level risk management framework is under construction.

As first step of the risk evaluation, market-related risks and potential abuses are detected by the affected departments, with contribution of the executive management of the Company. It takes place mainly by taking into account aspects of operation and strategic goals of the Company, finance and compliance (in terms of reputation). After that, the Company estimates the probability of occurrence of the identified risks and the seriousness of potential consequences of the said risks (in case of occurrence), and determines the most serious risks.

The risk management strategy could aim at avoiding the risk, or reducing the probability of occurrence and/or the seriousness of the consequences of the risk, or passing on the risk to third person (e.g. on subcontractors by contracts), or creating emergency plans. Risk management measures are manifested in control activities forming parts of the procedures, and the Company indicates them in the descriptions of its key procedures.

The Company has a Code of Ethics as well, that is available for its employees.

The Company is intended to maintain several insurances in order to mitigate the consequences of the occurred risks. Grading and handling of financial risks takes place in accordance with rules of Act no. C of 2000 on accounting, and serious risks are covered by reserving provisions. Furthermore, the Company has a credit card use policy, that helps to reduce the financial risks of the Company. In order to mitigate IT risks, the Company organize regular trainings for its employees, taking into consideration the fact that a significant part of the IT risks is caused by the human factor. Concerning other risks, the board of directors of the Company may perform further tasks so as to analyse and handle them, upon notifications of leaders of the affected departments.


The Company is planning to replace its former risk management mechanisms operating within a partially formal framework, with a Company-level risk management system. A new risk management system would enable the Company to detect, to analyse and to handle risks in a thoughtful, systematic, cyclic and documented (by means of a risk register) way. Preparation and implementation of rules and methodological framework necessary for risk management and internal audit function is currently under process

9. Statutory auditor

The statutory auditor of the Company, for a definite period of time from 20 October 2020 to 31 May 2025, is PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditing Limited Liability Company (registered seat: 1055 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky road 78., company registration number: 01-09-063022; chamber registration number: 001464), with Péter Biczó (chamber registration number: 004957) as natural person responsible for the audit.

The statutory auditor has not rendered any service for the Company in business year 2023 that has not related to the audit.

10. Disclosure policy

The Company meets its disclosure obligations in line with provisions of the relevant laws - with special regard to Act no. CXX of 2001 on the capital market -, and the General Terms of Service of BSE Xtend.

Announcements of the Company are always published on the same time (with 30 minutes difference at most) on the information storage system operated by the Central Bank of Hungary as supervising authority ( and on website of the Budapest Stock Exchange ( After these disclosures, but on the same day, the Company publishes the said regulated information on its own website ( The Company has designed its website by considering the aspects derivable from the relevant laws and regulations, and aspects of disclosure aiming at informing the investors in the most effective way.

11. Guidelines relating to the trading of shares of the Company by insiders

The Company has created its guidelines relating to the trading of shares of the Company by insiders in accordance with provisions of article 19. of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC.

12. Exercise of rights of shareholders

The shareholder may exercise the rights of shareholders towards the Company from the date of registration to the share register; those shareholders and nominees are entitled to participate in the general meeting who are registered on the share register on the 2nd (second) working day before the date of the general meeting at the latest. In case holding more securities account, the shareholder is entitled to authorize different proxies concerning each account to act on behalf of the shareholder in the general meeting. In case the shareholder is represented by more proxies, and there is a discrepancy between their statements or votes, such statements and votes shall be considered null and void. The Company shall ensure, without prior conditions, the rights of the shareholders participating in the general meeting to obtain information and answers, and to submit


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Megakran Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltato Nyrt. published this content on 31 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2024 16:36:06 UTC.