MD Medical Group Investments Plc announced that Elena Mladova, following the birth of her child, is stepping down from her position as CEO after more than four successful years, with achievements including the company's IPO on the London Stock Exchange and rapid expansion across Russia. Mark Kurtser assumes the position of CEO. Vladimir Mekler, non-executive director of the Group since February 2015, succeeds Mark Kurtser as Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Kurtser will remain a member of the Nomination Committee, replacing Mladova. Alsu Nazyrova, who is CEO of the Mother and Child Ufa hospital and who has been involved in the company's regional development, joins the Group's Board of Directors. Alsu currently serves as the director for Mother and Child Urals region and CEO of Mother and Child Ufa hospital.

In 2009, Alsu became the head of the Ufa clinic, which in 2011 entered the Group.