Mattioli Woods plc announced the appointment of three new independent Non-Executive Directors, David Kiddie, Edward Knapp and Martin Reason with immediate effect. David Kiddie has significant asset management and investment oversight expertise across different asset classes and during his executive career held Chief Investment Officer and Head of Equities roles at major organizations including AMP Capital, ABN AMRO Asset Management, Baring Asset Management and Rothschild Asset Management. David was also CEO for BNP Paribas Asset Management (UK) and Group Executive for Perpetual Investments (Australia). Edward Knapp is a specialist in financial services technology, innovation and growth. During his executive career he held senior roles at HSBC Bank plc, Barclays Bank plc and McKinsey & Company and is currently a Non-Executive Director for F&C Investment Trust plc. Edward has agreed to take on the role of Chairman of Risk & Compliance Committee from Anne Gunther. Martin Reason has significant expertise in strategic planning, change management and creating operational resilience. His last executive role was as Chief Executive Officer of Melton Mowbray Building Society. Edward Knapp is appointed as member of Audit Committee. For Risk & Compliance Committee, Edward Knapp was appointed as Chairman, Anne Gunther, David Kiddie and Martin Reason were appointed as members. David Kiddie and Ian Mattioli as member of Nomination Committee. Martin Reason as member of Remuneration Committee.