Fluidda announced new phase in its collaboration with Materialise to expand personalized treatment options in the respiratory care, building on its image based software. As part of the partnership, Materialise invests 2.5 million in Fluidda and Wilfried Vancraen, founder and CEO of Materialise, will join the board of directors at Fluidda. The companies want to collaborate more closely to accelerate the development of personalized solutions in pulmonology. Fluidda's proprietary imaging technology, Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) based on airflow monitoring, combines CT scan images with computer based flow simulations, allowing for a better visualization of airflows in lung patients. By combining this with the experience of Materialise in medical 3D printing and planning, both companies want to develop more personalized solutions that can help the growing number of patients suffering from COPD, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. As part of the partnership, Materialise led a 4mio EUR funding round with a 2.5mio EUR investment. Fluidda will use part of these resources to accelerate this joint development of a treatment solution that can support clinicians to help patients with a personalized regional treatment, based upon the FRI technology.