NORTON GOLD MINE PURCHASE AGREEMENT EXECUTED ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 24 JANUARY 2014 Mantle Mining Corporation Limited (ASX: MNM) is pleased to announce that the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) for acquisition of the currently idle Norton Gold Mine from Norton Gold Fields Limited (ASX: NGF) has now been executed (see ASX announcement of 11 November 2013). Acquisition Highlights:

Mantle acquires the Norton Gold Mine for $300,000 cash at completion, less a 10% deposit upfront.

Mining Licence (ML 80035) with pre-strip pits in-place and Frampton zone material stockpiled for processing.

High grade, hand picked, Frampton material analyses returned circa 90 g/t gold (equals approximately 3 oz/t).

Preliminary metallurgical test work on Frampton material points to a simple, low cost process of crushing and flotation to create a high value concentrate, plus potential gravity recovery of free gold.

Acquisition Completion:

Mining Licence transfer documentation is currently under preparation for lodgement.

The process is estimated to take between two and four months to complete, with the final acquisition payment of

$300,000 (GST inclusive) falling due approximately half way through the process.

Operational Steps in Progress:

A detailed review of geological and topographical survey data and mine site geology is ongoing.

Preliminary mining study in concert with a preferred mining contractor has begun.

Initial metallurgical studies to design preliminary process flowchart are nearing completion.

Preliminary transportation and marketing study based on outcome of metallurgical study is proceeding.

For further information please contact: Ian Kraemer
Managing Director
Mantle Mining Corporation Limited
P: +61 7 3310 8932 Page 1 of 1
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