(the “Company”)

Results of General Meeting

15 January 2019

The Company announces that at the General Meeting of the Company held today, Resolutions 1 and 2 contained in the Notice of the General Meeting were duly passed on a show of hands and Resolution 3 was duly passed on a poll.

The proxy votes received in relation to the resolutions passed on a show of hands were as follows:

Resolution Votes forVotes againstVotes at Chairman’s discretionShares marked as votes withheld / abstentions
Resolution 1 (Ordinary resolution) - To authorise the Board to allot shares in addition to existing authorities 12,602,405 18,214 34,500 0
Resolution 2 (Special resolution) - To disapply statutory pre-emption rights in limited circumstances in relation to the issue of Ordinary Shares 12,569,429 44,394 39,646 1,650

Results of the poll on resolution 3 were as follows:

ResolutionVotes forVotes againstVotes withheld
Votes% votes castVotes% votes cast
Resolution 3 (Ordinary resolution) - To approve the issue of New Ordinary Shares to the Related Party by way of any issue 461,155 94.22 28,280 5.78 1,650

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of all resolutions will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at