M&G High Income Investment Trust P.L.C.
 Second Interim Results
 30 November 2009

                        Chairman's Statement & Interim Management Report
 During  the period,  the Company's  revenue earnings  per Package  Unit were 2.59p compared to
 3.6p to  November 2008, reflecting the  adverse affect of  reduced dividend receipts described
 below.  As at the  period end, the  mid-market price yield  on the Company's Package Units was
 4.4%, compared  with the yield of 3.4% on the FTSE All-Share Index. On a net asset value (NAV)
 basis,  each Package Unit delivered a total return of 16.6% over the six months to 30 November
 2009, compared  with a negative return of 18% over the year to 31 May 2009. This was below the
 returns  of 19.7% and 17.9% respectively from the FTSE All-Share Index and the FTSE 350 Higher
 Yield Index over the same period. As at the end of the review period, there was a market price
 discount  on the Company's  Package Units of  6.6% to the NAV,  compared with 6.9%as at 31 May
 2009, the  mid-market price at the period end  being 111p and the NAV 118.82p. On a mid-market
 price  basis, the  Company's Package  units produced  a total  return of 17.1% over the review
 period ending 30 November 2009. As a result of the tiered management fee agreed as part of the
 M&G  Income and Recovery Investment  Companies schemes of reconstruction,  the cost of running
 the  company reduced to 1.02% for the year  to 30 November 2009 compared to 1.22% for the year
 to  30 November 2008. For a detailed description of the management of the portfolio during the
 period,  I refer  you to  the Investment  Review on  pages 5 and  6 of the  'Interim Financial
 Statements for the six month's ended 31 December 2008 (unaudited)'.

 In  respect of the  review period, the  Company declared two  quarterly dividends of 1.20p per
 Income  Share, making a total  of 2.40p. This compares with  a total of 4.30p per Income Share
 declared  in the same  period last year,  which included a  second interim dividend of 2.20p,
 together  with a special dividend of 0.90p. This represented a temporary change in the phasing
 of  the Company's dividend policy to accommodate the M&G Income Investment Company Limited and
 the  M&G Recovery Investment Company Limited's schemes of reconstruction. In the current year,
 we  intend to revert  to the normal  practice of paying  a higher fourth interim dividend. The
 Company's  revenue continued to be adversely affected  by reductions in dividend payments by a
 number  of companies held in its portfolio. Given these circumstances, it is not surprising to
 report  a fall in earnings per package unit  over the period. However, even though the general
 outlook  for dividends  remains somewhat  uncertain, the  Directors are  hopeful that dividend
 receipts  for the rest of the  year and revenue reserves will  be sufficient to enable them to
 declare total dividends for the financial year ending 31 May 2010 of 5.85p, though this is not
 a dividend or profit forecast.
 Recent market conditions

 The  relatively strong recovery  in equity and  corporate bond markets  over the review period
 represented  a welcome contrast to the extremely challenging conditions which had prevailed in
 financial  markets during the previous year. This  enabled the Company to deliver the positive
 total  returns above.  Nevertheless, although  high yielding  shares benefited  from improving
 investor  sentiment,  lower  yielding  sectors  (particularly  mining)  led  the market rally,
 resulting  in a modest underperformance  from the FTSE 350 Higher  Yield Index relative to the
 FTSE  All-Share Index. Performance over  the period was also  held back by the bond portfolio,
 which  delivered positive returns, but significantly  lagged the equity portion. Our defensive
 stance  has made it difficult to outperform all equity indices over recent periods. Over three
 and  five years,  during which  the FTSE  350 Lower Yield  Index consistently outperformed its
 higher  yield equivalent by a substantial margin,  the Company's Package Unit NAV total return
 has  been below that of the FTSE All-Share  Index, although the overall return since inception
 in 1997 remains higher than that index.
 An EU problem

  I  would like to draw your attention to the  EU proposal to further rewrite the regulation of
 investment  markets  in  the  shape  of  the  Alternative  Investment  Fund  Managers ('AIFM')
 Directive.  The  AIFM  has  probably  been  conceived  by  France  and  Germany to curtail the
 activities  of UK  managed Private  Equity and  Hedge Funds.  However, such  is the opaque and
 rather  less-than-democratic process of the EU in creating new legislation that our Investment
 Trust  sector could be  severely disadvantaged with  no apparent benefits  to shareholders. At
 worst,  investment trusts could be forced to wind up. So seriously are we and other investment
 trust boards taking this that we have written to as many European officials and MEPs as we can
 identify  in having an  interest in our  fate. While the  'debate' is still in progress, which
 will  not be for much  longer, I would urge  all shareholders to write  to their MEPs with the
 message  that our  venerable, respected  and well  regulated investment  trusts should  not be
 casually  sideswiped by EU  officials who appear  to have been  unaware of our existence. This
 subject  is  well  explained  in  the  Q  and  A's on the Association of Investment Companies'

 Following the prolonged recession, a modest return to growth appears to be underway in the UK,
 with  the Treasury now forecasting  an expansion rate of  between 1% and 1.5% for the 2010/11
 financial  year. However, the recovery  is widely described as  being 'fragile' and subject to
 significant  potential  headwinds.  Chief  among  these  is  the  exceptionally  poor state of
 government  finances, which will require a combination of substantial tax rises and meaningful
 cuts  in public spending by  whichever political party wins  the forthcoming general election.
 Radical  action could  well undermine  the tentative  revival in consumer confidence, increase
 unemployment  and reverse  the recent  pick-up in  house prices.  However, insufficient action
 would  carry even more  risks, potentially exposing  the UK to  a major loss  of confidence by
 financial  markets, resulting in a possible  run on sterling and a  sharp rise in gilt yields.
 Such  a crisis  would inevitably  take its  toll on  confidence among the public, business and
 investors.  The recent Pre-Budget Report included a  forecast that inflation would rise in the
 short  term to around 3%on a Consumer Prices Index  (CPI) basis, before drifting down to below
 2% by  the end  of 2010. Such  an outcome  would enable  base rates  to remain low, although a
 higher level of inflation, brought about by a further spike in commodity prices and the impact
 of  sterling's weakness on imports, might force the  Bank of England to move sooner to tighten
 monetary  policy. A further uncertainty is the likely effect on the economy and on gilt prices
 from  the removal  of government  stimulus measures,  particularly the  Bank of England's £200
 billion  asset purchase  programme. In  summary, we  would be  unwise to anticipate a 'normal'
 recovery  from a  'normal' recession.  Given the  uncertainties about  the outlook  for the UK
 economy, it is fortunate that the UK stockmarket derives the bulk of its profits from overseas
 where  prospects are generally  better than at  home. Moreover, the  financial position of the
 corporate  sector is typically much stronger than  that of both households and the government.
 Consensus  forecasts point to  a rebound in  company profits of  around 20% in 2010, providing
 scope  for  a  partial  restoration  of  recent  savage  dividend  cuts. Equity valuations are
 reasonable  by historic standards and  fund managers still retain  plenty of cash. The outlook
 for  UK government bonds (gilts) appears less favourable,  with rising issuance and the end of
 the  Bank of England's purchase scheme  likely to push yields higher.  While there may be some
 upside  in selected situations, such an outcome would be detrimental to corporate bond prices.
 The  generally defensive composition  of the Company's  portfolio should enable  it to perform
 relatively  well if some  of the potential  risks outlined above  come to pass. In particular,
 following  their significant  underperformance relative  to the  FTSE All-Share Index over the
 past  five years, valuations of higher yielding  shares appear anomalously low, rather as they
 did at the peak of the dotcom boom in 2000. We see no reason to alter our investment strategy,
 with its focus on value and income generation.
 F C Carr

 Income statement (unaudited)

                             For the  six months ended                          For year ended

                    30 November 2009           30 November 2008                    31 May 2009

                 Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total

                    £000     £000    £000     £000     £000     £000     £000     £000     £000

                -------- --------  ------ -------- --------  ------- --------  ------- --------

 Net gains /
 (losses) on         -     29,255  29,255      -   (13,812) (13,812)      -    (8,160)  (8,160)

 Income            5,509      -     5,509    2,571      -      2,571    7,248      -      7,248

 Investment        (333)    (677) (1,010)    (131)    (266)    (397)    (373)    (758)  (1,131)
 management fee

 Other expenses     (92)      -      (92)     (88)      -       (88)    (176)      -      (176)

                 -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------   ------ -------- --------

 Net return
 before finance    5,084   28,578  33,662    2,352 (14,078) (11,726)    6,699  (8,918)  (2,219)
 costs and tax

 Finance costs:      -    (5,570) (5,570)      -    (1,736)  (1,736)      -    (5,779)  (5,779)

 Finance costs:  (2,848)      -   (2,848)  (3,802)      -    (3,802)  (6,779)      -    (6,779)

                 -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------   ------ -------- --------

 Net return on
 ordinary          2,236   23,008  25,244  (1,450) (15,814) (17,264)     (80) (14,697) (14,777)
 before tax

 Tax on
 ordinary            -        -       -        -        -        -        -        -        -

                 -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------   ------ -------- --------

 Net return on
 ordinary          2,236   23,008  25,244  (1,450) (15,814) (17,264)     (80) (14,697) (14,777)
 after tax

                 -------  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------   ------ -------- --------

 Return per
 Zero Dividend       -      2.84p   2.84p      -      2.66p    2.66p        -    5.21p    5.21p

 earnings /        2.59p   11.71p  14.30p    3.60p (18.64)p (15.04)p    6.04p  (9.98)p  (3.94)p
 return per
 Income Share

 Return per          -        -       -        -    (5.55)p  (5.55)p      -    (3.27)p  (3.27)p
 Capital Share

 Total return
 per Income and    2.59p   11.71p  14.30p    3.60p (24.19)p (20.59)p    6.04p (13.25)p  (7.21)p
 Growth Unit

 Total return
 per Package       2.59p   14.55p  17.14p    3.60p (21.53)p (17.93)p    6.04p  (8.04)p  (2.00)p

The  total  column  of  this  statement  is  the  profit and loss account of the
Company. The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary to this
and  are prepared under the guidance  published by the Association of Investment
All  items  in  the  above  statement  derive  from  continuing  operations.  No
operations were acquired or discontinued during the period.
A  statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses is  not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement.
The Company's Zero Dividend Preference and IncomeShares meet the definition of a
liability  under  FRS  25 and  therefore  Capital  shares are the Company's only
Equity  shares.  This does not affect the rights and benefits of each class. The
breakdown  of the net assets attributable to  shareholders in terms of the share
capital and reserves is given in note 10.

Reconciliation of movements in Equity (Capital) shareholders' funds (unaudited)

 For the  six months ended                               30.11.09   30.11.08

                                                             £000       £000

                                                       ---------- ----------

 Capital return on ordinary activities                     23,008   (15,814)
 after tax

 Net (gains) / losses attributable to                    (23,008)     12,185
 Income Shareholders

                                                       ---------- ----------

 Net movement in net assets attributable                      -      (3,629)
 to Equity shareholders

 Opening net assets attributable to                           -        3,629
 Equity shareholders

                                                       ---------- ----------

 Closing net assets attributable to                             -          -
 Equity shareholders

                                                       ---------- ----------

 Balance sheet

 As at                                      30.11.09      30.11.08     31.05.09

                                                £000          £000         £000

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Fixed assets

 Portfolio of investments                    230,539       138,978      198,335

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Current assets

 Debtors                                       2,123         2,908        2,353

 Cash at bank and short-term deposits            801         2,215        3,842

                                             -------       -------      -------

                                            2,924            5,123        6,195

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Total financial assets                      233,463       144,101      204,530

 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one      (50)       (3,003)      (1,644)

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Total assets less current liabilities[a]    233,413       141,098      202,886

 Creditors: Amounts falling after more
 than one year:

 Share classes defined as liability:

   Zero Dividend Preference Shares         (124,601)      (79,264)    (119,243)

   Income Shares                           (108,812)      (61,834)     (83,643)

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Net assets attributable to Equity                 -             -            -

                                             -------       -------      -------

 Total Share Capital and Reserves attributable to Equity shareholders
 comprise: (unaudited)

                                                    30.11.09  30.11.08 31.05.09

                                                        £000      £000     £000

                                                     -------   -------  -------

 Called up share capital                               1,964     1,368    1,967

 Share premium account                                 3,427     4,043    3,427

 Capital redemption reserve                            2,382     2,362    2,379

 Special reserve                                       5,451     5,555    5,464

 Capital reserve       - Investment holding gains /        -         -        -

                                - Other capital     (13,224)  (13,328) (13,237)

                                                     -------   -------  -------

 Total Share Capital and Reserves attributable to        -         -        -
 Equity shareholders

                                                    --------   ------- --------

[a] Total assets less current liabilities represents the net assets attributable
to all shareholders.

The  net assets attributable to shareholders  have been calculated in accordance
with  the Company's Articles of Association and the net asset values (per share)
applicable to each class of shareholding as shown below.
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income Shares meet the definition of
a  liability under  FRS 25 and  therefore Capital  shares are the Company's only
Equity  shares.  This does not affect the rights and benefits of each class. The
breakdown  of the net assets attributable to  shareholders in terms of the share
capital and reserves is given in note 10.
The  Condensed Financial  Statements have  been prepared  in accordance with the
Statement:  Half  Yearly  Financial  Reports  issued by the Accounting Standards
Responsibility statements
To the best of our knowledge and belief:
a)  the Interim Management Report includes a  fair review of the development and
performance  of the  business and  the position  of the  Company together with a
description of the principal risks and uncertainties that the Company faces; and
b)  the  financial  statements,  prepared  in  accordance  with  United  Kingdom
Accounting  Standards, give  a true  and fair  view of  the assets, liabilities,
financial position and losses of the Company.

   As at                                30.11.09    30.11.08      31.05.09

                                        --------    --------      --------

   Net asset value per Zero
   Dividend Preference                    63.43p      57.93p        60.61p

   Net asset value per                    55.39p      45.20p        42.51p
   Income Share

   Net asset value per                         -           -             -
   Capital Share

   Net asset value per                    55.39p      45.20p        42.51p
   Income & Growth Unit

   Net asset value per                   118.82p     103.13p       103.12p
   Package Unit

    Cash flow statement (unaudited)

                                      For the  six     For the year ended
                             months ended

                       30.11.09        30.11.08            31.05.09

                      £000        £000     £000        £000     £000       £000

                  --------    --------   ------    -------- --------    -------

 Net cash inflow
 from operating                  4,447                1,792               4,866

 Servicing of

 Dividends paid                (4,201)              (2,142)             (5,426)


 Capital               -                    298                  298

 Purchase of      (42,013)             (10,373)             (37,665)

 Sale of            39,013                7,921               34,921

                   -------               ------              -------

                               (3,000)              (2,154)             (2,446)


 Repurchase of
 Package Units       (287)                  -                (1,596)
 related costs)

 Shares issued         -                  2,321                6,046
 for cash

 Share issue           -                  (416)                (416)

                   -------               ------              -------

                                 (287)              1,905               4,034

                               -------              -------             -------

 Net (decrease) /              (3,041)                (599)               1,028
 increase in cash

                               -------              -------             -------

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Principal activity

The  Company  was  incorporated  on  23 December  1996 and  is  a  split capital
investment  trust company.  The affairs of  the Company have been conducted with
the  objective  of  enabling  it  to  seek  HM  Revenue & Customs approval as an
investment  trust for the purposes of  Section 842 of the Income and Corporation
Taxes Act 1988.
2. Accounting policies
The  interim  financial  statements  have  been  prepared in accordance with the
historical  cost convention, as  modified by the  revaluation of investments, in
accordance  with applicable  United Kingdom  Accounting and  Financial Reporting
Standards,  and the Statement of  Recommended Practice: 'Financial Statements of
Investment  Trust Companies  and Venture  Capital Trusts'  (SORP) issued  by the
Association of Investment Companies (AIC) in January 2009.
During  the period,  the Company  adopted the  AIC SORP  issued in January 2009
resulting in the reclassification of Capital Shares (being the most sub-ordinate
of  the share classes) as  equity, in accordance with  FRS 25. The Zero Dividend
Preference  Shares  and  Income  Shares  continue  to  meet  the definition of a
liability  under FRS  25 and have  been treated  as such.  This has  resulted in
presentational  changes  to  the  Balance  Sheet.  In  addition,  note 10 to the
financial  statements  disclose  the  amount  of  the  Capital  Reserves that is
Investment Holding Gain or Loss.

 3. Investments: At fair value through profit or loss

                                                  30.11.09  30.11.08 31.05.09

                                                   Capital   Capital  Capital

                                                      £000      £000     £000

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Realised gains / (losses) on sales of
 investments                                         2,336   (1,641)  (5,729)

 Increase in unrealised appreciation /
 (depreciation)                                     26,919  (12,469)  (2,729)

 Capital distributions                                 -         298      298

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Net gains / (losses) on investments                29,255  (13,812)  (8,160)

                                                   -------   -------  -------

4. Income

                                          30.11.09     30.11.08     31.05.09

                                           Revenue      Revenue      Revenue

 Income from investments                      £000         £000         £000

                                           -------      -------      -------

 Interest on debt
 securities                                    720          239          839

 Property Income dividends                      88            5           40

 Overseas dividends                              5           17           33

 Stock dividends                               291            2          261

 UK dividends                                4,362        2,265        6,012

                                           -------      -------      -------

                                             5,466        2,528        7,185

                                           -------      -------      -------

 Other income

                                           -------       -------     -------

 Bank interest                                   2            38          43

 HM Revenue & Customs interest                 -               5           5

 Underwriting commission                        41           -            15

                                           -------       -------     -------

                                                43            43          63

                                           -------       -------     -------

                                           -------       -------     -------

 Total income                                5,509         2,571       7,248

                                           -------       -------     -------

 Total income comprises:

                                           -------       -------     -------

 Dividends                                   4,746         2,289       6,346

 Interest                                      722           282         887

 Other income                                   41           -            15

                                           -------       -------     -------

                                             5,509         2,571       7,248

                                           -------       -------     -------


                             30.11.09                             30.11.08

                  Revenue     Capital       Total      Revenue     Capital     Total

                    £'000       £'000       £'000        £'000       £'000     £'000

             ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------   -------

 fee                  333         677       1,010          131         266       397

             ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------   -------


                                                       Revenue     Capital     Total

                                                         £'000       £'000     £'000

                                                  ------------ ----------- ---------

 fee                                                       373         758     1,131

                                                  ------------  ---------- ---------

The  Company's investment manager is  M&G Investment Management Limited (MAGIM).
 The  investment  management  contract  between  the  Company  and  MAGIM may be
terminated  by either party  giving not less  than one year's  written notice of
termination,  although  in  certain  circumstances  it  may  be  terminated with
immediate effect.

MAGIM receives an annual fee, payable monthly in advance, equal to the following
tiered  rates per annum  of the mid  market value of  the Company's total assets
less its current liabilities at the beginning of the relevant month.
1% on the first £75m
0.9% on the next £125m
0.8% on the excess over £200m

6. Finance costs: Appropriations

This constitutes an appropriation of reserves in respect of the premium to issue
proceeds  payable to holders  of Zero Dividend  Preference Shares on redemption.
The  appropriation for the  year represents the  increase in redemption value of
the amounts originally subscribed.

7. Finance costs: Dividends

                                                  30.11.09  30.11.08 31.05.09

                                                   Revenue   Revenue  Revenue

 Dividends (payable to Income Shareholders)           £000      £000     £000

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Fifth interim: 0.25p paid  25 August 2009[a]          491       -        -

 Fourth interim: 2.2p paid  22 August 2008             -       1,178    1,178

 Special Dividend: 0.6p paid  22 August 2008           -         321      321

 First interim: 1.2p paid  25 November 2009
 (2008: 1.2p)                                        2,357       643      643

 Second interim: 2.2p paid  25 February 2009
 (2008: 1.2p)[a]                                       -       1,178    1,178

 Special Dividend interim: 0.9p paid  25 February
 2009   (2008: nil)[a]                                 -         482      482

 Third interim: 1.2p paid  22 May 2009 (2008:
 1.2p)                                                 -         -      1,624

 Fourth interim: 1.0p payable  25 August 2009
 (2008: 2.2p)[a]                                       -         -      1,353

                                                   -------   -------  -------

                                                     2,848     3,802    6,779

                                                   -------   -------  -------

[a]  This is a change  in the distribution pattern  of dividend payments for the
year  ended  31st May  2009, with  a  second  quarterly  dividend of 2.20p and a
special  dividend of 0.90p reflecting the  decision of the Board  to pay out the
majority  of the current  revenue reserves ahead  of the rollover  of M&G Income
Investment  Company  Limited  into  the  Company.  The ex-dividend date for both
dividends was 29th October 2008 and they were paid to Income Shareholders on the
register  at the close of business on 31 October 2008. Also on 19 March 2009 the
Board declared a fourth interim dividend of 1.0p per Income Share, in respect of
the  year  ending  31 May  2009, representing  substantially  all of the revenue
reserves  of the Company before the  rollover of M&G Recovery Investment Company
Limited   completed.   This  dividend  was  paid  on  25 August  2009 to  Income
Shareholders  on the  register at  the close  of business  on 27 March 2009. The
ex-dividend  date was 25 March 2009.  The dividends were also paid to holders of
Income & Growth Units and Package Units.
On  26 January 2010 the Board declared a  second interim dividend of 1.2p (2009:
2.2p) per  Income Share totalling £2,357,000  (2009: £1,178,000), payable on 25
February 2010 to Income Shareholders on the register at the close of business on
5 February 2010. The ex-dividend date is 3 February 2010.
The dividend will also be payable to holders of Income & Growth Units and
Package Units.

8. Earnings / returns per share

                                     30.11.09   30.11.08    31.05.09

 a) Return per Zero Dividend          -------    -------     -------
 Preference Share

 Appropriations                    £5,570,000 £1,736,000  £5,779,000

 Weighted average shares in issue
 during the period                196,470,437 65,383,651 110,848,036

                                      -------    -------     -------

 Return per share                       2.84p      2.66p       5.21p

                                      -------    -------     -------

 b) Revenue earnings per Income       -------       -------       -------

 Net revenue return on ordinary
 activities after tax              £2,236,000  £(1,450,000)     £(80,000)

 Finance costs: Dividends          £2,848,000    £3,802,000    £6,779,000

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Revenue return attributable to
 shareholders                      £5,084,000    £2,352,000    £6,699,000

 Weighted average shares in
 issue during the period          196,470,437    65,383,651   110,848,036

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Revenue earnings per share             2.59p         3.60p         6.04p

                                      -------       -------       -------

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Capital return attributable to
 Income Shareholders (note 8c)    £23,008,000 £(12,815,000) £(11,068,000)

 Weighted average shares in
 issue during the period          196,470,437    65,383,651   110,848,036

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Capital return per Income
 share                                 11.71p      (18.64)p       (9.98)p

                                      -------       -------       -------

 c) Return per Capital Share          -------       -------       -------

 Net capital return on ordinary
 activities after tax             £23,008,000 £(15,814,000) £(14,697,000)

 (Gains) / losses offset
 against Income Shares          £(23,008,000)   £12,185,000   £11,068,000

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Net capital return
 attributable to Capital
 shareholders                             -    £(3,629,000)  £(3,629,000)

 Weighted average shares in
 issue during the period          196,470,437    65,383,651   110,848,036

                                      -------       -------       -------

 Return per share                         -         (5.55)p       (3.27)p

                                      -------       -------       -------

d) Package units

The earnings and returns per Package Unit are calculated by reference to its
component shares.

 9. Share capital (equity and non-equity)

                                                  30.11.09  30.11.08 31.05.09

 Allotted, called up and fully paid:                  £000      £000     £000

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 196,448,306 (2008: 136,827,539) Zero Dividend
 Preference Shares of 1p each                        1,964     1,368    1,967

 196,448,306 (2008: 136,827,539) Income Shares of
 1p each                                             1,964     1,368    1,967

 196,448,306 (2008: 136,827,539) Capital Shares
 of 1p each                                          1,964     1,368    1,967

                                                   -------   -------  -------

During the period the Company repurchased and cancelled 300,000 Package Units at
an average cost of 95p per Package Unit costing £286,000.
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income Shares meet the definition of
a liability under FRS 25 and therefore the Capital Shares comprise the Company's
equity shares.
The  Company has authorised share capital of £29,850,000 (2008: same) consisting
of 995,000,000 (2008: same) shares of each class.

10. Capital and reserves attributable to shareholders

 As at                                            30.11.09  30.11.08 31.05.09

                                                      £000      £000     £000

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Called up share capital                             5,893     4,105    5,902

 Share premium account                             135,743    80,737  135,743

 Capital redemption reserve                         15,615    15,555   15,606

 Zero Dividend Preference Shares appropriation
 reserve                                            28,517    20,104   23,230

 Special reserve                                    36,712    37,395   36,716

 Capital reserve       - Investment holding gains
 / (losses)                                         26,207  (10,452)    (712)

                                - Other capital
 reserves                                         (20,064)   (7,530) (16,153)

 Revenue reserve                                     4,790     1,184    2,554

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Net assets attributable to shareholders           233,413   141,098  202,886

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Zero Dividend Preference Shares                   124,601    79,264  119,243

 Income Shares                                     108,812    61,834   83,643

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Total non-equity shares                           233,413   141,098  202,886

 Capital Shares (equity)                               -         -        -

                                                   -------   -------  -------

 Net assets attributable to shareholders           233,413   141,098  202,886

                                                   -------   -------  -------

Under the terms of the Company's Articles of Association sums standing to the
credit of the Special Reserve are available for distribution only by way of
redemption or purchase of any of the Company's own shares. The Company may only
distribute accumulated 'realised' profits.
The  Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales has issued guidance
(TECH  01/08), stating that  profits arising  out of  a change  in fair value of
assets,   recognised   in  accordance  with  the  Accounting  Standards  may  be
distributed  provided the  relevant assets  can be  readily converted into cash.
Securities  listed on recognised stock exchanges are generally regarded as being
readily  convertible into cash  and hence unrealised  profits in respect of such
securities currently included within Investment holding gains may be regarded as
distributable under Company Law.
11. Interim report

A  copy of the interim  report will be posted  to all Shareholders on 9 February
2010. It  will not be advertised in the press, but copies are available from the
registered office, Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH.

12. Abridged results

The abridged balance sheet for the year ended 31 May 2009 is based on financial
statements which carry an audit report that is unqualified and includes no
matters of adverse comment.

Portfolio of investments
As at 30 November 2009

    Holding                                                    £'000        %

            Oil & gas producers                                         15.90

    179,362 BG Group                                           1,978     0.86

  3,096,955 BP                                                17,854     7.74

    969,417 Royal Dutch Shell 'B'                             16,839     7.30

            Chemicals                                                    1.04

    134,893 Johnson Matthey                                    2,005     0.87

    250,034 Yule Catto                                           393     0.17

            Mining                                                       2.98

    159,445 Anglo American                                     4,155     1.80

    152,875 Lonmin                                             2,726     1.18

            Aerospace & defence                                          0.48

    340,337 BAE Systems                                        1,116     0.48

            Construction &                                               0.69

  2,636,323 Low & Bonar                                          883     0.38

    554,205 Marshalls                                            542     0.24

     30,301 Morgan Sindall                                       157     0.07

            Electronic & electrical equipment                            0.28

    250,000 Halma                                                563     0.24

     18,393 Renishaw                                              99     0.04

            General industrials                                          0.75

    994,826 Smith (D.S.)                                       1,111     0.48

     65,838 Smiths Group                                         627     0.27

            Support services                                             4.95

    100,000 Acal                                                 136     0.06

    353,501 Bunzl                                              2,215     0.96

    485,783 Davis Service Group                                1,957     0.85

     82,051 De La Rue                                            782     0.34

    856,414 Electrocomponents                                  1,422     0.62

  1,740,101 Filtrona                                           3,009     1.31

    911,893 Hays                                                 897     0.39

    150,000 Premier Farnell                                      232     0.10

    705,988 Smiths News                                          741     0.32

            Beverages                                                    1.42

    320,533 Diageo                                             3,282     1.42

            Food producers                                               3.90

    386,922 Tate & Lyle                                        1,612     0.70

    412,877 Unilever                                           7,374     3.20

            Leisure goods                                                0.90

    541,242 Vitec Group                                        2,073     0.90

            Personal goods                                               0.80

    708,964 PZ Cussons                                         1,855     0.80

            Tobacco                                                      3.63

    355,430 British American Tobacco                           6,593     2.86

    100,131 Imperial Tobacco                                   1,778     0.77

            Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology                             10.29

    314,229 AstraZeneca                                        8,528     3.70

    640,659 BTG                                                1,051     0.46

  1,122,333 GlaxoSmithKline                                   14,125     6.13

            Food & drug retailers                                        1.01

  1,943,913 Booker Group                                         889     0.39

    440,341 Sainsbury (J.)                                     1,418     0.62

            General retailers                                            2.25

    853,361 Halfords Group                                     3,512     1.52

    318,100 Home Retail Group                                    937     0.41

     69,000 Mothercare                                           428     0.19

      5,649 NEXT                                                 112     0.05

    200,000 Topps Tiles                                          179     0.08

            Media                                                        2.59

     36,706 British Sky Broadcasting                             195     0.08

    244,980 Daily Mail & General Trust 'A'                     1,016     0.44

    210,806 Pearson                                            1,748     0.76

    661,424 Reed Elsevier                                      3,015     1.31

            Travel & leisure                                             0.91

     16,123 Compass Group                                         69     0.03

    758,785 Ladbrokes                                            996     0.43

    571,184 William Hill                                       1,026     0.45

            Fixed line                                                   2.15

  1,822,493 BT Group                                           2,553     1.10

  1,714,804 Cable & Wireless                                   2,430     1.05

            Mobile telecommunications                                    5.30

  8,934,569 Vodafone Group                                    12,218     5.30

            Electricity                                                  0.58

    118,681 Scottish & Southern Energy                         1,326     0.58

            Gas, water &                                                 5.15

  1,376,155 Centrica                                           3,490     1.51

    445,516 National Grid                                      2,938     1.27

    250,000 Northumbrian Water Group                             674     0.29

     45,555 Pennon Group                                         226     0.10

    217,671 Severn Trent                                       2,283     0.99

    480,070 United Utilities                                   2,287     0.99

            Banks                                                        7.47

  2,428,315 HSBC Holdings                                     17,231     7.47

            Equity investment                                            0.38

    500,000 Blackrock Commodities Income Investment Trust        600     0.26

    200,000 Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities                   264     0.12

     40,000 Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities (Subscription       5      -

            Financial services                                           1.40

    334,918 Close Brothers Group                               2,304     1.00

     22,337 London Stock Exchange                                168     0.07

     86,798 Provident Financial                                  769     0.33

            Life insurance                                               3.32

    485,147 Aviva                                              1,803     0.78

    746,956 Legal & General Group                                577     0.25

    410,433 Prudential                                         2,567     1.11

    405,000 Resolution                                           336     0.15

  1,136,472 Standard Life                                      2,373     1.03

            Non-life insurance                                           0.86

    118,082 Jardine Lloyd Thompson                               499     0.22

  1,262,128 RSA Insurance Group                                1,474     0.64

            Real estate investment                                       3.03

    300,000 Alpha Pyrenees Trust                                  87     0.04

    271,475 Great Portland Estates                               760     0.33

    436,424 Land Securities Group                              2,876     1.25

    173,486 Mucklow (A&J) Group                                  581     0.25

    823,922 Segro                                              2,667     1.16

            Software & computer                                          1.70

  1,827,320 Sage Group                                         3,910     1.70

            Non-convertible preference shares                            2.24

  1,500,000 Aviva 8.75% Cum. Irrd.                             1,807     0.78

    750,000 General Accident 8.875% Cum. Irrd.                   863     0.37

    650,000 Lloyds Banking Group 6.475% Non-cum. Irrd. Pref.     442     0.19

  1,610,000 Lloyds Banking Group 9.25% Non-cum. Irrd. Pref.    1,071     0.46

    300,000 Lloyds Banking Group 9.75% Non-cum. Irrd. Pref.      205     0.09

    250,000 Royal & Sun Alliance 7.375% Cum. Irrd.               245     0.11

    500,000 Standard Chartered 7.375% Non-cum. Irrd. Pref.       552     0.24

            'AAA' credit rated                                           4.06

   £650,000 Finland (Republic of) 9.375% 2010                    659     0.29

 £4,350,000 Treasury 4.75% 2015                                4,794     2.08

 £3,600,000 Treasury 5% 2012                                   3,890     1.69

            'AA' credit rated                                            0.70

   £400,000 BP Capital Markets                                   404     0.18
            5.75% 2010

   £700,000 GE Capital UK Funding FRN 2010                       700     0.30

   £500,000 Land Securities Capital Markets Var. Rate 2013       509     0.22

            'A' credit rated bonds                                       2.38

   £300,000 BAA Funding Var. Rate 2015                           299     0.13

   £500,000 E.ON International Finance 6.375% 2012               548     0.24

   £304,000 France Telecom 5% 2016                               311     0.13

   £215,000 France Telecom 7.5% 2011                             231     0.10

   £250,000 France Telecom 8% 2017                               305     0.13

   £950,000 HSBC Holdings Var. Rate                            1,099     0.48

   £255,000 London Merchant Securities 6.5% 2026                 256     0.11

   £800,000 London Stock Exchange Var. Rate 2016                 817     0.35

   £500,000 National Grid Gas 6% 2017                            542     0.24

 £1,000,000 UBS London 6.375% 2016                             1,090     0.47

            'BBB' credit rated                                           3.10

 £1,000,000 Anheuser-Busch InBev 6.5% 2017                     1,086     0.47

   £700,000 British Telecommunications Var. Rate                 809     0.35

   £350,000 Compass Group 7% 2014                                390     0.17

   £840,000 Deutsche Telekom 7.125% 2012                         931     0.40

   £700,000 DWR Cymru Financing Var. Rate 2036                   741     0.32

   £500,000 Imperial Tobacco Finance 5.5% 2016                   506     0.22

   £500,000 Imperial Tobacco Finance 6.25% 2018                  523     0.23

   £300,000 Kingfisher 5.625% 2014                               310     0.14

   £200,000 Rentokil Initial                                     200     0.09
            5.75% 2016

   £500,000 Sutton Bridge Financing 8.625% 2022                  312     0.14

   £300,000 Thames Water Utilities Finance                       304     0.13
            4.75% 2010

 £1,000,000 WPP Group 6% 2017                                  1,010     0.44

            Bonds with no credit                                         1.41

   £500,000 Blue Circle Industries 10.75% 2013                   599     0.26

   £750,000 Brixton 5.25% 2015                                   729     0.32

   £775,000 Heineken 7.25% 2015                                  856     0.37

   £700,000 John Lewis 6.375% 2012                               740     0.32

   £300,000 Shaftesbury 8.5% 2024                                328     0.14

            Total portfolio of                               230,539   100.00

The interim report will not be advertised in the press, but copies are available
from the registered office,
Laurence Pountney Hill, London, EC4R 0HH.

J. P.  McClelland
