LifeSpeak Inc. announced the latest generation of its platform, LifeSpeak 5.0. The newest version of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) – based platform makes it even easier for employees, customers, and their family members to find and engage with the most relevant expert-led content to improve mental health and wellness outcomes. LifeSpeak 5.0 includes the new Learning Hub and Training Hub features, enhanced functionality for discovery, a “bulletin board” option for companywide communications, and a new, intuitive design for improved user experience and increased ease of use. LifeSpeak 5.0 removes barriers to accessing mental health support by optimizing the pathway towards expert-led education resources.

The platform's latest search functionality makes it easy for users to discover specific content topics across a range of formats, while video pages provide recommended connections to related tools and tip sheets, as well as EAPs and other external resources. The Learning and Training Hub houses customized content “playlists” that provide an easily accessible, curated selection of educational resources on a specific topic, giving business leaders the ability to put critical content front and center. It also offers the option to set it as either mandatory training or optional learning.

LifeSpeak's client bulletin board enables employers and partners to communicate directly with their employees and customers and helps to destigmatize mental health challenges. This feature facilitates important connections that drive usage, such as announcements to employees, messages from business leaders about their commitment to employee mental health, upcoming wellness initiatives, transcripts from LifeSpeak Mental Health Marathon events, and more. As LifeSpeak continues to grow its global footprint, the Company has improved its multi-language capabilities, increasing translations to twelve languages to meet demand from around the world.

Used already by numerous leading insurance and health plan providers, LifeSpeak is developing additional features to reach new growth markets, including university campuses and small businesses. More than 80% of existing LifeSpeak clients and partners have seamlessly moved to the 5.0 platform, and the upgrade comes at no extra cost.