Letlole La Rona Limited announced unaudited earnings results for the half year ended December 31, 2014. For the period, the company reported rental income of BWP 31,314,672, profit before fair value adjustment of BWP 30,595,783, profit before tax of BWP 47,164,762, total profit and comprehensive income for the half year of BWP 40,025,801 or 15.67 thebe per linked unit, cash generated from operating activities of BWP 30,925,446 compared to the rental income of BWP 30,820,267, profit before fair value adjustment of BWP 24,550,566, profit before tax of BWP 50,173,556, total profit and comprehensive income for the half year of BWP 43,505,735 or 16.98 thebe per linked unit, cash generated from operating activities of BWP 31,143,190 for the same period a year ago.