KTMG Limited at its AGM held on June 25, 2024 approved appointment of Mr. Ooi Jit Huat and Mr. Lau Ping as a Directors of the Company pursuant to Regulation 90 of the Company's Constitution. Mr. Ooi Jit Huat will serve as the Chairman of the Audit Committee, as well as a member of the Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee. He is considered independent for the purposes of Rule 740(7) of the Rules of Catalist of the SGX-ST.

Mr. Lau Ping will serve as a member of the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee. He is considered independent for the purposes of Rule 740(7) of the Rules of Catalist of the SGX-ST. The company also announced Mr. Koh Boon Huat, the existing Non-Executive and Independent Director has been re-designated as the Non-Executive and Lead Independent Director and the Chairman of the NC of the Company, and continue to serve as the Chairman of the RC as well as a member of the AC.

The retirement of Mr. Goh Yeow Tin ("Mr Goh") as the Non-Executive and Lead Independent Director. Mr. Goh has also relinquished his positions as the Chairman of the NC, and a member of the AC and the RC. The retirement of Mr. Yap Boh Pin ("Mr Yap") as the Non-Executive and Independent Director.

Mr. Yap has also relinquished his positions as the Chairman of the AC, a member of the NC and the RC. Following the above, the composition of the Board and the Board Committees of the Company shall be reconstituted as follows:- Board of Directors: 1. Mr. Lim Siau Hing @ Lim Kim Hoe (Executive Chairman), 2. Mr. Lim Vhe Kai (Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer), 3. Mr. Koh Boon Huat (Non-Executive and Lead Independent Director), 4. Mr. Ooi Jit Huat (Non-Executive and Independent Director) and 5. Mr. Lau Ping (Non-Executive and Independent Director) Audit Committee: 1. Mr. Ooi Jit Huat (Chairman), 2. Mr. Lau Ping (Member) and 3. Mr. Koh Boon Huat (Member) Nominating Committee: 1. Mr. Koh Boon Huat (Chairman), 2. Mr. Ooi Jit Huat (Member) and 3. Mr. Lau Ping (Member) Remuneration Committee: 1. Mr. Koh Boon Huat (Chairman), 2. Mr. Ooi Jit Huat (Member) and 3. Mr. Lau Ping (Member).