Ktesios Real Estate Socimi, S.A. (ENXTLS:MLKTS) made an offer to acquire Quid Pro Quo Alquiler Seguro SOCIMI, S.A (BME:YQPQ) for ?13.9 million on December 12, 2022. As of February 2, 2023 Ktesios has sent a letter to Belerofonte Capital ratifying our commitment to continue with purchase offer. In compliance with the roadmap, we continue working closely with QPQ on the execution of the operation and the process of payment of the offered price.

As of February 24, 2023. Ktesios Real Estate Socimi, S.A. (ENXTLS:MLKTS) are pleased to inform that, in connection with the ANNOUNCEMENT OF OFFER FOR THE SUBSCRIPTION OF OPTIONS ON THE SHARES OF QUID PRO QUO ALQUILER SEGURO SOCIMI S.A, published on February 13, 2023, the acceptance of such offer as of to date stands at 62.15%, above the threshold defined by the Company at 60%.