The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a €1mn loan to North Macedonia’s Komercijalna Banka to support green investments in the country.

The loan is provided under the EBRD’s Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF).

The funds will be available for green investments in the country’s residential sector and will include investments in high-performance green technologies, materials and solutions undertaken in privately-owned residential dwellings or buildings, the EBRD said in the statement on December 30.

“Supporting green investments is one of our key priorities and we are glad that the largest Macedonian bank is joining us in this endeavour,” Andi Aranitasi, EBRD head of North Macedonia, said.

Komercijalna Banka Skopje is the largest bank in North Macedonia and the fifth bank in the country to join GEFF. The programme in North Macedonia is part of the EBRD’s €85mn Western Balkans Green Economy Financing Facility launched in 2017.

To date, EBRD has invested €2bn in over 130 projects in North Macedonia.

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