Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers Ltd. announced that John Sergeant has, as previously foreshadowed, completed a transition to Non-Executive Director, effective April 1, 2020. Mr. Sergeant had worked as a part-time Executive Director in the period since stepping down as Managing Director on 1 June 2019. With the lodgement of the final part of the KI Seaport Environmental Impact Statement and the recent resumption of trading in the Company's shares, the Board has agreed that the time is opportune for Mr. Sergeant to join Chairman Paul McKenzie and Gregory Boulton AM as non-executive directors. Mr. Sergeant will also join the Audit and Risk Committee, which will continue to be chaired by Mr. Boulton. Managing Director Keith Lamb, and executive directors Shauna Black and Graham Holdaway continue in their current roles. Mr. Sergeant may undertake a small amount of work as a consultant to the Company if required. However, this would be only temporary in nature and would be disclosed in the normal way.