Kalium Lakes Limited announced that site works have commenced at the Beyondie Sulphate of Potash Project, 160 kilometres south east of Newman in Western Australia. This work is being undertaken on the granted Miscellaneous Licence (L52/162) which allows for installation of an access road, gas pipeline, water supply facilities, accommodation village, communications and other infrastructure. The Miscellaneous Licence was granted following the signing of a Land Access Agreement with the Gingirana Native Title Claim Group in March 2016. The Agreement also allows for consent to the future grant of project tenure, project operations and project approvals. The initial works have involved upgrading the 78 kilometre access road that connects the Great Northern Highway at Kumarina Roadhouse to the key Beyondie Project Area. These works have been undertaken while working closely with the local representatives of the Gingirana people to avoid any areas considered culturally significant by the traditional owners of the land. Works are now focused on preparing the camp accommodation and infrastructure areas, followed by the installation of access tracks and water bore drill pads around the Beyondie, 10 Mile and Sunshine areas. Drilling will commence in First Quarter of 2017, subject to adverse weather conditions.