Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Limited announced that at its AGM held on July 26, 2023, the company has appointed Shri. Sumit Ajaybhai Thakkar as a Non-executive and Independent Director of the Company for a period of five consecutive years with effect from 26th July, 2023 to 25th July, 2028, not liable to retire by rotation. Shri Sumit Ajaybhai Thakkar aged 40 years, resident of Bhavnagar, Gujarat, is an advocate by profession and a social worker.

He is a well-qualified person having done BA, LLB, LLM, DLL (Diploma in Labour Law) DNYS, DYED, Journalism. His area of expertise are Business Law and matters pertaining to civic, labour, revenue and corporate law, etc., which he is practicing since last 15 years. Shri Sumit A. Thakkar obtained his "Sanad" as an advocate in 2009, from Gujarat and practicing as an Advocate at District Court, Bhavnagar and at High Court, Gujarat.

Apart from professional practice as an advocate, he is also actively involved in social services. He joined Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) Bhavnagar branch in 2001. In view of his providing selfless services, he was elevated to higher positions and at present serving as Vice Chairman of the branch since 2016.

He received the prestigious "Merit Award" from the President of India in 2016, for his services to the society. He is actively involved in at least thirty-three projects providing health related services to general public, besides managing four clinics, one mobile van and two hospitals in Bhavnagar District. Because of tireless performances of his and his team, the Bhavnagar branch of IRCS, have received more than six awards for providing human services, by the hands of the Governor of Gujarat.

He has been member, chairman of various social services organization including civil defense and disaster management at a young age of 40 years.