As previously communicated, Christian Cederholm and Noah Walley have been appointed Co-heads of Patricia Industries. Patricia Industries is run as a separate business area within Investor, with its own board. As of January 17, 2017, when the new Co-heads assume their new responsibilities, Investor has decided to establish an Extended Management Group which, in addition to the members of the Management Group of Investor, will include the two Co-heads of Patricia Industries. The Extended Management Group will meet on a regular basis to discuss strategic issues that are common to the business areas, and to manage coordination between the business areas and other operations. Christian Cederholm has been the Head of Patricia Industries Nordics since 2015. In 2001, Christian joined Investor AB as an investment professional and has over the years worked with a broad set of companies and industries within Core Investments. Noah Walley has been the Head of Patricia Industries in North America since 2015. Noah joined Investor in 2003 as a Managing Director for Investor Growth Capital, and between 2005 and 2015 led its information technology investing activities in North America.