Intelsat S.A. powered by its satellite backbone, announced that Quantis Global signed an agreement to enhance and expand the Quantis network using services provided by Intelsat EpicNG high-throughput satellites (HTS) and IntelsatOne Flex services, bringing higher performing broadband services across the region. Quantis, part of Eurona Wireless Telecom SA, will incorporate services from two Intelsat EpicNG satellites, Intelsat 33e and Intelsat 37e, and use Intelsat’s managed services offering, IntelsatOne Flex for Enterprise, which delivers high-quality, global, enterprise-grade, wholesale Mbps service. The network leverages Intelsat teleports and will serve NGOs, enterprise, embassies, the oil & gas sector, and maritime customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Intelsat launched the first two satellites in the Intelsat EpicNG platform in 2016. Intelsat 29e serves the Americas, and Intelsat 33e began operations over Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia on January 29th. Intelsat 37e is scheduled to begin service in 2018. The flexibility of Intelsat EpicNG’s open architecture and backward-compatible design enables service providers like Quantis to seamlessly transition to Intelsat EpicNG and immediately realize efficiency improvements, a signature of this high-throughput platform.