Integrated Capital Services Limited was held on May 30, 2024, During the meeting, several key business items were addressed. Firstly, the Audit Committee was reconstituted due to the completion of the terms of two Independent Directors and the appointment of two new Independent Directors. The committee now comprises Mr. Gyaneshwar Sahai as Chairman, Mr. Khushvinder Singhal as a member, and Mr. Sajeve Deora as a member.

Secondly, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee was reconstituted for similar reasons, now including Mr. Khushvinder Singhal as Chairman, Mr. Vijay Kumar Narang as a member, and Mr. Gyaneshwar Sahai as a member. Lastly, the Stakeholders Relationship Committee was also reconstituted, with Mr. Khushvinder Singhal as Chairman, Ms. Kalpana Shukla as a member, and Mr. Sajeve Bhushan Deora as a member. Following the completion of their respective terms by two independent directors, the Investment Committee has been reconstituted with the appointment of two new independent directors.

The committee now comprises Mr. Gyaneshwar Sahai, who serves as the Independent Director and Chairman; Mr. Vijay Kumar Narang, who has been appointed as an Independent Director and Member; and Ms. Kalpana Shukla, who continues as a Director and Member. This new composition ensures a balance of experienced oversight and fresh perspectives in guiding the committee's investment strategies.