1. Name of Listed lssuer:

llnnopac Holdings Limited J

2. Type of Listed lssuer:

0 Company/Corporation

D Registered/Recognised Business Trust

D Real Estate lnvestment Trust

3. ls more !han one Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder giving notice in this form?

D No (Piease proceed lo complete Part Il)

0 Yes (P/ease proceed lo complete Parts Il/ & IV)

4. Date of notification lo Listed lssuer:

1 15-Jan-201 3 l

FORfvi 3![ it;fs;:-.,.. ; D j(Fi'fectlve C':1;-E) ! ": , ',_:;v{, r, , 'l 2Gi;t P2g2 ::; c/ 9

Part 111 - Substantial Shareholder(s)/Unìtholder(s) Details[To be used for multiple Substantial Shareholders!Unitholders to give notice] Substantial Shareholder/UnitholderA @

1. Name of Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder:


2. ls Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder a fund manager or a person whose interest in the securities of the Listed lssuer are held solely through fund manager(s)?

D Yes


3. Notification in respect of:

D Becoming a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

0 Change in the percentage level cf interest while stili remaining a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

D Ceasing te be a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

4. Date of acquisition of or change in interest:

5. Date on which Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder became aware of the acquisition of, or the change in, interest O (if different from item 4 above, please specify the date):
115-Jan-2013 l
6. Explanation (if the date of becoming aware is different from the date of acquisition of, or the change in, interesf):
Notification by the lssuer on 15 January 2013.
7. Quantum of total voting shares/units (inc/uding voting shares/units underlying rightsloptionsl warrantslconvertible debentures {conversion price known}) held by Substantial Shareholder/ Unitholder before and after the transaction:

No. of voting shares/units held and/or underlying the rights/options/warrants/ convertible debentures:

As a percentage of total no. of voting shares/

un1ts: 0
252,282,800 o 252,282,800
10.42 o 10.42
No. of voting shares/units held and/or underlying the rights/options/warrans/ convertible debentures :
As a percentage of total no. of voting shares/

units: t)

8. Circumstances giving rise to deemed interests (if the interest is such):

[You may attach a chart in item 10 to illustrate how the Substantia/ Shareholder!Unitholders deemed interest arises]

9. Relationship between the Substantial Shareholders/Unitholders giving notice in this form: [You may attach a chart in item 1O to show the relationship between the Substantial Shareholders/ Unitholders]

G1 lnvestments Pte. Ltd. is the wholly owned subsidiary of Blumont Group Ltd. as atthe date of the


1O. Attachments (if any): @

# (The totaf fife size far al/ attachment(s) shou/d not exceed 1MB.)

11. lf this is an amendment of an earlier notification, please previde:

(a) 5-digit SGXNet announcement number of the first notification which was announced on SGXNet (the "lnitial Announcement'):


(b) Date of the lnitial Announcement:

(c) 15-digit transaction reference number of the relevant transaction in the Form 3 which was attached in the lnitial Announcement:

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

12. Remarks (if any):

The percentages are computed based on 2,421,528,085 of issued share capitai of the lssuer priorto date of change of interest, as at 08 Aug ust 2012.

The percentages are computed based on 2,858,566,885 of issued share capitai ofthe lssuer o n date of change of interest.

Substantial Shareholder/UnitholderB @

1. Name of Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder:

lsrumont Group Ltd.

2. ls Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder a fund manager or a person whose interest in the securities of the Listed lssuer are held solely through fund manager(s)?

O Yes

0 No

3. Notification in respect of:

D Becoming a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

0 Change in the percentage leve! of interest while stili remaining a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

D Ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder

4. Date of acquisition of or change in interest:

5. Date on which Substantial Shareholder/Unitholder became aware of the acquisition of, or the change in, interest O (if different from item 4 above, please specify the date):

115-Jan-2013 l
6. Explanation (if the date of becoming aware is different from the date of acquisition of, or the change in, interest):
Notification by the lssuer on 15 January 2013.
7. Quantum of total voting shares/units (including voting shareslunits underlying rightsloptionsl warrantslconvertible debentures {conversion price known}) held by Substantial Shareholder/ Unitholder before and after the transaction:
No. of voting shares/units held and/or o
underlying the rights/options/warrants/

convertible debentures:

252,282,800 252,282,800

As a percentage of total no. of voting shares/
units: O

o 10.42


No. of voting shares/units held and/or

underlying the rightsloptions/warrants/

convertible debentures :

As a percentage of total no. of voting shares/

units: @



8. Circumstances giving rise lo deemed interests (if the interesi is such):

[You may attach a chart in item 10 to illustrate how the Substantial Shareholder/Unitholders deemed interest arises]

G1 lnvestments Pte.Ltd.is the wholly owned subsidiary of Blumont Group Ltd., accordingly,Blumont Group Ltd.is deemed to have interest in 252,282,800 shares held by G1 lnvestments Pte.Ltd. as at the date ofthe notification.

9. Relationship between the Substantial Shareholders/Unitholders giving notice in this form: [You may attach a chart in item 10 to show the relationship between the Substantial Shareholdersl Unitholders]

G1 lnvestments Pte. Ltd. is the wholly owned subsidiary of Blumont Group Ltd. as at the date of the


1O. Attachments (if any): @

({Jì (The total fHe size far al/ attachment(s) shou/d not exceed 1MB.)

11. lf this is an amendment of an earlier notification, please provide:

(a) 5-digit SGXNet announcement number of the firstnotification which was announced on SGXNet (the "lnitial Announcement'?:

l l l l l l

(b) Date of the lnitial Announcement:

(c) 15-digit transaction reference number of the relevant transaction in the Form 3 which was attached in the lnitial Announcement:

[Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l

12. Remarks (if any):

The percentages are computed based on 2,421,528,085 of issued share capitai of the lssuer prior to date of change of interest, as at 08 August 2012.

The percentages are computed based on 2,858,566,885 of issued share capitai of the lssuer o n date of change ofinterest.

Part IV- Transaction details

1. Type of securities which are the subject of the transaction (more than one option may be chosen):

0 Voting shares/units

D Rights/Options/Warrants over voting shares/units

D Convertible debentures over voting shares/units (conversion price known)

D Others (p/ease specify):

2. Number of shares, units, rights, options, warrants and/or principal amount of convertible debentures acquired or disposed of by Substantial Shareholders/Unitholders:


3. Amount of consideration paid or received by Substantial Shareholders/Unitholders (excluding brokerage and stamp duties):


4. Circumstance giving rise to the interest or change in interest:
Acquisition of:

D Securities via markettransaction

D Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

U Securities via physical settlement of derivalives or other securities

D Securities pursuant to rights issue

U Securities via a placement

D Securities following conversion/exercise of rights, options, warrants or other convertibles

Disposal of:

D Securities via mart

D Securities via off-market lransaction (e.g. married dea/s)

Other circumstances:

n Acceptance of take-over offer for the Listed ssuer

D Corporale action by the Listed lssuer which Substantial Shareholders/Unitholders did not participate in (please specify):

0 Others (p/ease specify):

Dilution of percentage level of shareholdings, based on an enlarged share capitai,after the allotment of shares took piace on 1 O January 2013.

ftem 5 is to be compfeted by an individua/ submitting this notificafion form on behalf of the Substantiaf


5. Particulars of Individuai submitting this notification form to the Listed lssuer: (a) Name of Individuai:

James Hong Gee Ho

(b) Designation (if app/icable):


(c) Name of entity (if app/icabfe):

slumont Group Ltd.

Transaction Reference Number (auto-generated):


distributed by