Part l • Generai

1. Name of Listed lssuer:


2. Type of Listed lssuer:

1ZJ Company/Corporation

n Registered/Recognised Business Trust

U Real Estate lnvestment Trust

3. Name of Director/GEO:

lwong Chin Yong

4. fs the Director/GEO aiso a substantial shareholder/unitholder of the Listed lssuer?

D Yes

l:LJ No

5. ls the Director/GEO notifying in respect of his interests in securities of, or made available by, the Listed lssuer at the time of his appointment?

n Yes (Piease proceed to complete Pari Il)

l:LJ No (P/ease proceed to complete Pari /Il)

6. Date of notification to Listed lssuer:


Part 111- For an incumbent DirectorfCEO giving notice of an acquisition of, or a change in his interest in, securities of or made available by the Listed lssuer

TransactionA O

1. Date of acquisition of or change in interest:


2. Date an which Director/GEO became aware of the acquisition of, or change in, interest O

(if different from item 1 above, p/ease specify the date):

j1 0-Jan-2013

3. Explanation (if the date of becoming aware is different from the date of acquisition of, or change in, interest):
4. Type of securities which are the subject of the transaction (more than one option may be chosen):

0 Ordinary voting shares/units of Listed lssuer

D Othertypes of shares/units (exc/uding ordinary voting shares/uni/s) of Listed lssuer

D Rights/Options!Warrants aver shares/units of Listed lssuer

D Debentures of Listed lssuer

D Rights/Options aver debentures of Listed lssuer

Contracts aver shares of the Listed lssuer which Director/GEO is a party to, or under which he is

D entitled to a benefit, being contracts under which any person has a righito cali for orto make

delivery of shares in the Listed lssuer

D Participatory interests made available by Listed lssuer

D Others (please specify):
5. Number of shares, units, rights, options, warrants, participatory interests and/or principal amount/value of debentures or contracts acquired or disposed of by Director/GEO:
Not applicable
6. Amount of consideration paid or received by Director/GEO (excluding brokerage and stamp duties):

jNot applicable

7. Circumstance giving rise to the interest or change in interest:

Acquisition of:

D Securities via market transaction

D Securities via off-market transaction (e. g. married dea/s)

U Securities via physical settlement of derivatives or other securities

D Securities pursuant to rights issue

D Securities via a placement

D Securities following conversion/exercise of rights, options, warrants or other convertibles

Disposal of:

D Securities via market transaction

D Securities via off-market transaction (e.g. married deals)

Other circumstances :

D Acceptance of employee share options/share awards

D Vesting of share awards

D Exercise of employee share options

D Acceptance of take-over offer for Listed lssuer

0 Corporale action by Listed lssuer (please specify):

lssue of 268,487,800 shares by the Listed lssuer upon completion of acquisition of 3 residential units in a condominium development known as "CiearWater Residence".

D Others (p/ease specify):

8. Quantum of interests in securities held by Director/CEO before and after the transaction.

Please complete relevant table(s) below (far exampie, Tab/e 1 should be compleled iflhe change re/ales lo ordinary voting shares oflhe Lisled /ssuer, Table 4 shou/d be compleled iflhe change re/ales lo debentures):

Table 1. Change in respect of ordinary voting shares/units of Listed lssuer

No. of ordinary voting sharesiunits held:

As a percentage of total no. of ordinary

voting shares/units: @

No. of ordinary voting shares/units held:

0.39 0.15 0.54

M a percentage of total no. of ordinary l 0.35 ]0.14 l0.49

voting shares/units: 0


9. Circumstances giving rise to deemed interests (if the interest is such):

[You may attach a chart(s) in item 10 to illustrate how the Director!CEO's deemed interest, as set aut in item 8 tables 1 to 8, arises]

4,000,000 shares held in CPF investment account.

10. Attachments (if any): 6

# (The totat fife size for alt attachment(s) should noi exceed 1MB.)

11. Ilthis is an amendment of an earlier notification, please previde:
(a) 5-digit SGXNet announcement number of the firstnotification which was announced on
SGXNet (the "lnitial Announcement'):

ll l l l l

(b) Date of the lnitial Announcement:


(c) 15-digit transaction reference number of the relevant transaction in the Form 1 which was
attached in the lnitial Announcement:

[ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

12. Remarks (if any):

Transaction Reference Number (auto-generated):

l 91 91 312l 91 al 2l 41 1l si 41 311l 2la l

ltem 13 is to be compieled by an individua/ submitting this notification form on behaff of the Director/GEO.

13. Particulars of Individuai submitting this notification form to the Listed lssuer:
(a) Name of Individuai:

l l









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