Regulatory News:

INDEX MULTIMEDIA SA (Paris:MUL) informs having requested and obtained today the opening of a safeguard procedure from the Toulouse Court of Commerce. This procedure will allow us to engage, under the protection of the Commercial Court, the renegotiation of our debt related to our historical activities and launch our strategic activities such as community services and mobile marketing that we are deploying since the beginning of the current year.

The safeguard procedure opened today by the Court is subject to an observation period of six months. Mr. VIGREUX was appointed as receiver and Mr. VINCENEUX as legal officer.

This procedure applies only to the Index Multimedia company and will not affect its French and foreign subsidiaries.

Trading of equity and transactions of securities giving access to capital were immediately suspended to comply with our equal treatment of information obligations towards the market and to avoid a potential transaction which would not meet this principle.

Now, our strategy will be focused on the BtoB business and particularly in the field of mobile marketing. While developing our sales and margin in community services with our flagship site "" we dedicate our resources to our operations primarily BtoB mobile marketing which market is growing exponentially in recent years.

In the month of February 2013, we have already obtained the first contracts for our mobile marketing solution that we call "Kizuna Tag". Our new partners include companies such as IDTGV, 100% subsidiary of SNCF.

More details about the safeguard plan and its terms and conditions will be disclosed as soon as possible.

About the safeguard procedure

The safeguard procedure is a collective procedure that protects businesses by suspending the payment of debts incurred prior to the opening of the procedure. It refers to companies that are not in a state of suspension of payments and aims to give the company time to reorganize itself to ensure its sustainability and the payment of its creditors. It was introduced into the French law by Law 2005-845 of July 26, 2005.

Index Multimedia was a pioneer in France in the mobile phone business. It positioned itself as the undisputable leader in the field of supply of multimedia content. Today we are major players in web and mobile marketing services and also technical telecommunication services. We contribute thus to the development of the digital entertainment and the new generation mobile business.

INDEX MULTIMEDIA is specialized in the development and sale of multimedia products and services.

INDEX MULTIMEDIA is listed at Euronext Paris Compartment C under ISIN code: FR0004061513 - Reuters code: INDM.PA - Bloomberg code: MUL:FP

Kiichiro Imamura:
Yasushi Kishikawa:
Danielle Barthelemy: