Inception Mining Inc. has reported report the twelfth drill hole in the CMCS drill program (CMCS-12), completed at the recently-acquired property adjacent to the Clavo Rico mine site, has encountered gold-bearing oxide content.  The property and mine site are located within the town of El Corpus, in the Choluteca department of Honduras. CMCS-12 was explored to a depth of 50 meters, through which crews drilled to find a heavily oxidized andesitic tuff which hosts a web of iron-, quartz-, and adularia-filled fractures and veins.  These fractures and veins are the gold-bearing aspect of the rock.  The average grade for the entire hole is 1.55 grams per ton, with the area between meters 6 and 22.5 averaging 2.08 grams per ton.  The table below highlights the grade findings resulting from the CMCS-12 exploration. The rock in this section is more oxidized, especially with limonite, and hosts more significant veining than previous drill holes.  These fractures and oxides will allow for easier and faster crushing and leaching through on-site cyanide leach pad. This hole indicates that Clavo Rico mine has the potential for a sizable extension to its current open pit, located approximately 20 meters due east of CMCS-12.