Hong Kong ChaoShang Group Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the year ended 31 March 2024. For the year, the group is expected to record a net loss in the range between HKD 80 million and HKD 90 million, whilst the Group recorded a loss of approximately HKD 42 million in the last corresponding year in 2023. The increase in net loss for the year was mainly attributable to a decrease in revenue of approximately 30% which is mainly attributed from the trading and financial services businesses due to difficult economic conditions and sluggish stock market performances in the PRC and Hong Kong; increase in provisions for expected credit losses for trade, loan and other receivables and impairment on intangible assets due to the general worsening economic environment and geopolitical risks looming over the relatively weak post COVID-19 pandemic era; and losses on disposal of the Company's interest in an associate and de-registration of a subsidiary.