Healthy Extracts Inc. has received follow-on purchase orders for its exclusive Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit™ from XYMOGEN® and other leading distributors that focus on manufacturing and distributing the highest quality of clinical grade nutraceuticals. The XYMOGEN order was received under an exclusive performance-based engagement with XYMOGEN to use Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit in its proprietary formulations, BergaCor™ and BergaCor™ Plus. XYMOGEN has been selling and distributing these proprietary formulations to its network of more than 20,000 medical doctors nationwide.

BergaCor and BergaCor Plus have been specially formulated to support cardiovascular health, healthy glucose metabolism and healthy cholesterol. Offered exclusively in North America by Healthy Extracts, Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit contains the highest quality and concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids (BPF) at 47%. These natural substances have been shown by multiple clinical studies to possess powerful health benefits for the heart and metabolism, including supporting healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

BergaCor and BergaCor Plus are available for purchase on,, and through select physicians. XYMOGEN also distributes Healthy Extracts' CLINICAL IMMUNE™.