Hawaiian Vintage Chocolate Company, Inc. filed a pre-packaged plan of reorganization with related disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on November 30, 2021. As per the pre-packaged plan filed, Administrative Expense Claims, Fee Claims, U.S. Trustee Fees, and Priority Tax Claims shall be paid full in cash before effective date. Priority Non-Tax Claims and Secured Claims shall have no claim under the plan.

Lender Post petition Claims of $0.15 million shall be paid full in the form of equity 40,388 shares KIMO Class B Common Stock, 8,000 KIMO Six Month Warrants, 12,000 KIMO Twelve Month Warrants, 12,000 KIMO Twenty-Four Month Warrants, 15,000 shares ISH Class B Common Stock, 8,000 ISH Six Month Warrants, 8,000 ISH Twelve Month Warrant, 8,000 ISH Twenty-Four Month Warrants. General Unsecured Claims of $1.06 million shall be paid full in the form of equity on pro rata share of: 100,969 shares KIMO Class B Common Stock, 20,000 KIMO Six Month Warrants, 30,000 KIMO Twelve Month Warrants, 30,000 KIMO Twenty-Four Month Warrants, 37,500 shares ISH Class B Common Stock, 20,000 ISH Six Month Warrants, 20,000 ISH Twelve Month Warrants, 20,000 ISH Twenty-Four Month Warrants, Equity Interests shall be canceled as the Effective Date and each Holder of an Allowed Equity Interest shall receive, in full satisfaction of and replacement of their Allowed Equity Interest, on Pro Rata share of the following: of 16,260,546 shares shall be paid on pro rata share of: 868,336 share KIMO Class B Common Stock, 172,000 KIMO Six Month Warrants, 258,000 KIMO Twelve Month Warrants, 258,000 KIMO Twenty-Four Month Warrants, 322,500 shares ISH Class B Common Stock, 172,000 ISH Six Month Warrants, 172,000 ISH Twelve Month Warrants, 172,000 ISH Twenty-Four Month Warrants. The plan shall be funded through cash in hand and insurance of equity.