Hansen Transmissions International nv

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Antwerp


Tel. +32 (0)3 450 58 62

Press Release

Transparency Statement by Schroders Plc

5 August 2011 – Hansen Transmissions International NV (LSE ticker ‘HSN’) reports that on 4 August 2011 it received a transparency statement, which shows that on 3 August 2011 the parent undertaking

Schroders Plc, through Schroders Investment Management Ltd, held 32,580,669 (or 4.86%) voting rights of the total 670,104,208 voting rights in Hansen Transmissions International NV.

Schroders Plc is the parent company of Schroder Administration Limited, which itself is the parent company of Schroders Investment Management Limited. The latter is a discretionary fund manager holding shares on behalf of Schroders Plc’s clients and can exercise the voting rights for all shares mentioned in this transparency statement.

The notification document is available on Hansen's website on:

For more information

Hansen Transmissions International NV

Investor Relations

Hans Ooms

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

De Villermontstraat 9

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

2550 Kontich - Belgium

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

Yannick Van Den Langenbergh

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Belgium

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

+32 3 450 58 62

Investors & Analysts


Sarah Hamilton

+44 20 7395 0464

+44 7836 295 291

+44 20 7395 0422

+44 7595 270 691

+44 20 7395 0464

+44 7836 295 291

+44 20 7395 0422

+44 7595 270 691

Dan Yea

+44 20 7395 0464

+44 7836 295 291

+44 20 7395 0422

+44 7595 270 691


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