Hansen Transmissions International nv

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Antwerp


Tel. +32 (0)3 450 58 62

Press Release


Transparency Statement by FIL Limited

4 July 2011 – Hansen Transmissions International NV (LSE ticker ‘HSN’) reports that on 1 July 2011 it received a transparency statement, which shows that on 29 June 2011 FIL Limited held 45,903,816 (or

6.85%) voting rights of the total 670,104,208 voting rights in Hansen Transmissions International NV.

The notification document is available on Hansen's website on:


For more information

Hansen Transmissions International NVInvestor Relations

Hans Ooms

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Belgium hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com http://ir.hansentransmissions.com/

+32 3 450 58 62

MaitlandInvestor Relations

Sarah Hamilton shamilton@maitland.co.uk

+44 20 7395 0464


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